Tracy and Helen have given me the "You Make My Day Award". Thank you so much ladies - how very sweet of you! After almost two years I'm still amazed that people find my chattering valuable!
As far as choosing 10 others - I don't think I can possibly do that! I currently have over 300 blogs listed on my Bloglines - no wonder I can't keep up. It is impossible to narrow my favorites down to 10. I'm inspired by each and every one of you. Blogging has enriched my life in ways I never thought possible. So I'm just going to nominate every single one of you who's blogs I read - you all make my day every time I visit.
300 on your Bloglines?! Wow! I'm sure I don't have that many but I'll get there soon at the pace I'm going. There must be someone out there in bloglines that has some advice for those of us who keep adding and adding. It is too hard to cut back, but I do have other things to do during the day beside read blogs. Sometimes I think I need HELP!
Love your blog and yes I would have nominated you too! Decided there were too many I would nominate sooo...I did what you did!
Always fun to see your projects and read about your quilting on the machine!
You are an inspiration!
over 300 blogs!! HOLY MOLY!! :D I think I have close to 200! I too also gave you the award :D You are very popular!
Congrats on the award, I always love reading your blog.
Way to go on the stash busting.
congrats on the award, you make my day too!
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