I received an extremely strong organizing gene from one of my ancestors. I have no idea from who - my mother was fairly well organized, but nothing like my obsession. When I finish one organizing project it seems to lead to another, then another, then another. And even if there are things I'd rather be doing - like sewing - I can't seem to relax until I get to the end of the chain reaction.
Up until this morning all of my finished tops waiting for completion were stuffed onto shelves in the upstairs bathroom next to the longarm room. A few of them have backings made and battings cut for them - most of them don't. Though the batting is also stored upstairs, all the fabric that could become backings is downstairs - meaning every time I make a new back I have to drag that quilt top back down to the sewing room.
No more. This morning I brought all the flimsies that have no backing or batting cut down into the sewing room closet. I refolded them so I can tell at a glance which top is which. Because this is the almost lightless black hole of the house I don't need to worry about them fading. So what was an empty closet space yesterday morning is now full again.
So am I finished yet? I don't think so. Now those two empty shelves upstairs are talking to me - telling me they are a perfect place for organizing all my batting pieces plus some of the other miscellaneous stuff that is now crowded under the longarm.
When will it ever stop? At this point no one knows!
I just love your ideas. I honestly think that I will start hanging mine up. It would clear out my old trunk and some drawers. Then I could use those places to sneak more fabric in.... :)
While you're still on a roll would you like to pop over here to the UK and organise me please :o)
Girl, you need a vacation!!!
Seriously, you are miles ahead of me on this organizing spree and it is really starting to intimate me! I might be taking a sabbatical here soon.
I'm completely organizationally challenged.
your becoming obsessed, can we see a couple of pictures of those beautiful tops hanging there waiting to be quilted?????
Great ideas all! Come on over and help me!
Wow, you're so organized! Great idea to hang them on hangers, now you can see in an instant what's what and what you have. And that's a lot!!
I wish you'd come and give me some advice about organizing MY sewing room!
You are doing a wonderful job, but what are you going to do when everything is organized? I guess then, you can get down to some serious quilting. LOL Have fun.
I also have all my quilt tops ironed and on hangers in a closet waiting the quilting frame. Now if I could get all of these quilted!
Congrats. Congrats on the baby news, your retirement and your organizing...Wishing you the best...Toni
When you finish with organizing your house, come do mine please. I retired a year ago and I think my mess is getting worse since I am home, lol. Great job, by the way.
I know exactly how you feel about organization! When my sewing space is messy, I get all twitchy. There is nothing I like better than to take on an organization project. Organized and functional closets are my "thing". Your's looks wonderful!!
I don't suppose you travel to help with organization? I can promise nasty weather (with the possibility of January tornados if it warms up again) and possible snow!
Keep up the great work on the organisation front!!
I've given you a "You make my day award" on my blog :)
Look at you go girl!!! This retirement thing is bringing out the best in you. Can't wait to see all of the quilting that you get done after the organizing is finished. lol
It's a slippery slope but a worthy one . . . I'm enjoying your adventures *s*
Oh so cool! Come organize my quilting area for me won't you!!!!
Congrats on the retirement, organizing, adoption process, cleaning, sewing, etc., etc. .... dearie, you might possibly be a teensy bit, ever so slightly frazzled with your new-found freedom! LOL
One thing about being retired (usually) you can leave something for tomorrow!
Please put me on your list, as you go around the world organizing other people's stuff. Organizing quilts on hangers is a wonderful idea. I really love your spare parts quilt. I rarely like quilts made from bits and pieces, and yours has so much interest and beauty that you have changed my mind.
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