And now back to the rolls . . . .
We are seeing some friends for dinner tonight - friends that I promised cinnamon rolls the last time we saw them before Christmas. The nice thing about making cinnamon rolls - or any other kinds of yeast bread for that matter - is that even though
it's a long process one can get lots of other things done while the dough is rising.
I made our Christmas rolls using my Kitchen Aid mixer - I'd never done that before. It worked great - until it came to finishing the kneading of the dough. I've always kneaded by hand, and didn't realize how very much I depended on the feel of the dough in order to determine how much flour to add. I always kneaded in the last 1/2 to 3/4 cup flour because sometimes it takes more flour than others depending on the weather and the temperature in the kitchen. When I used the mixer to knead the dough I couldn't tell just by looking. Maybe it was my imagination but I didn't think those rolls were as good. They seemed a little bit dry from too
much flour.
So today I went back to my old fashioned method. I mixed up the butter, sugar and eggs in the Kitchen Aid - no reason not to do that. But when it came to kneading I turned the dough out onto my breadboard and used my hands. I could immediately tell that the dough was too wet so I added some extra flour. Sweet rolls don't take nearly the kneading that bread does - the gluten doesn't have to be developed as it does for bread. I kneaded for about 5 minutes adding more flour as needed. Because the dough picks up flour from the breadboard it's important to reserve at least the last 1/2 cup called for in the recipe for flouring the breadboard.
I've cranked up the heat in the bathroom to 85 as we keep our house at about 65, and that's where the dough is rising. I put a tablespoon or so of oil in the bowl and rolled the dough around so it was covered with oil. Cover the bowl with a damp dish towel and let the magical yeast do it's work.
Now I have an hour to an hour and a half to do whatever else I want to do. Let's see - the bed is made, I've had breakfast, I'm dressed - hmmmmmm - I think I'll head to the sewing room!
1. A healthy, growing grandson who should be here soon!
2. A healthy, growing granddaughter who has started to walk
3. A spoiled old dog who's decided he loves having me home
4. The feel of bread dough in my fingers as I'm kneading
5. A cup of hot tea with milk
For a retired gal, you sure are working pretty hard!! I love the picture of your grandson, what a cutie!! At the rate you are blogging three times in two dayS, you will reach 500 by next week! LOL
Glad to see you are enjoying your retirement but stop doing so much housework! get into that sewing room and have some fun!!
I'm glad you are enjoying your retirement! If I close my eyes I can convince myself that I can smell cinnamon rolls - wish I could taste them too!
MMMMM....they sound so good. I just love bread of any kind. Mom just bought her a Kitchen Aid mixer yesterday. She uses one at work and loves it, so she just had to have one.
Congratulations on your retirement. You will find that over time a routine will evolve and you will be busier than you were when working. However, your days will be filled with things you want to do rather than have to do. When you run out of rooms to clean - come on over! Cheers.
I'd like to win a prize and I'd LOVE to make/eat cinnamon rolls . . . .
nancy, near philadelphia
I can't wait to try your cinnamon roll recipe...yes, I've already printed it out. :) I knead my doughs by hand too. I keep asking Santa to bring me the KitchenAid Pro 600 mixer, but he has a problem giving me kitchen things for gifts. LOL I had to laugh out loud at your dough rising in the bathroom...that's usually where I go when I need to get warm too. LOL Pleas enter me in your drawing! :)
Please enter my name in your drawing! teehee
Now that is one thing I never really learned to do properly--make yeast dough. No confidence at all. And gooey dough everywhere but where it needed to be. Maybe I just needed you to give me a lesson?
Ed, my retired baker hubby, uses the oven as a proof box...just heat up the oven to 175..turn off, put dough in (always kneaded by hand!) along with a bowl of water and have a proof box!!
Joseph is just too cute, I can already see he is Mr. Personality!!
I made my cinnamon rolls the same way as you for Christmas. I used the Kitchen Aid up to the kneeding, then dumped it on my board and did it by hand. They turned out delicious. Glad you are enjoying retirement. Your new grandson is darling.
Congrats on your retirement. And those cinnamon rolls will be yummy. I think I'll make some for my family.
mmmm, I love cinnamon rolls! But I had to laugh at you turning up the heat in the bathroom for it to rise! Too funny! We have been making homemade pasta noodles over xmas with Emily's new pasta noodle maker! Mmm we have had some great dinners!
Seeing the pictures of your dough rising makes me want to make some homemade bread or rolls again. I used to do it by hand also, but I had to go to a KitchenAid because of my wrists hurting. And I love homemade rolls and stuff. I am going to dig out my recipes and try some. Thanks so much for posting this. I am also getting a kick out of your organizing, lol.
Oooh -- you really are tempting me with these cinnamon rolls!!! I may have to try my hand at them!
Oh I love homemade cinnamon rolls! I've never made them but I'm getting inspired - to eat some at least!
Oh and congratulations on your retirement too.
I wish I had the patience to make real breads. I love to eat them, just don't like to wait for the dough to rise and then beat it down, then rise, then..... :)
I use my bread machine for the dough mixing and rising........then i get to have the fun of making the buns or rolls by hand...usually turn out quite pleasing to us all and oh, yummy-yum...the aroma.....!
Congrats on retiring. My dear FIL retired himself this past Wednesday. He is having a bit of a time with it, miss his workmates. I just had my 50th post, so 450 more to go. HEHEHE Cheers
I love your cinnamon buns. I read your previous post and copied the recipe down. But I didn't make any... I don't think I have the right size pan. I have the KitchenAid so maybe I'll give it a go. I'm new to the Happy retirement club too...
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