Monday, August 18, 2008

Slowing down, but still accomplishing things

Today was such a marvelous cool day, with several marvelous periods of rain. I was awakened by thunder, which continued off and on throughout the morning. As I sit here this evening I can hear the rain pattering on the rhododendrons outside the open window. How wonderful to have said goodbye to that intolerable heat!

I didn't get into the longarm room at all today, so no more tops were quilted. I have three more set out, but must make a back for each of them before they can have their turn with Gandalf. That's on my list of things to do tomorrow. I also must finish laundry, buy some groceries, and straighten up the house. I've really been neglecting everything else while I've been running the UFO finish marathon.

Today I bound and labeled the two items I quilted yesterday. I believe this brings my total to eight finished quilts in just over eight days. I couldn't be happier with that accomplishment.

The first is called "The Case of the New Jersey Triangle", and was a mystery quilt done by my Tangled Threads group - in 1995! Mine remained an unfinished top until last fall. It's a quilt like many I made years and years ago from a focus fabric and a few other complimentary fabrics. The focus fabric is a Hoffman floral - I bought many yards of those in my early days as a quilter. I've given away some of what I never used, and the rest of it is waiting to be made into quilt backs. I've moved so far away from this kind of quilt that they strike me as really rather boring. This one will be given to Cher - along with the Double Irish Chain I finished in June - for Wrap Them In Love. I'm so glad someone else will be able to use them.

The second quilt includes the blocks from the churn dash exchange I mentioned yesterday. Note the alternate stepping stone blocks. They are the same block as is in yesterday's quilt, but made with medium-toned only slightly contrasting fabrics. These blocks allow the churn dash blocks to take the staring role - unlike the stepping stone blocks in yesterday's quilt which totally overwhelmed the churn dashes.

I want to give a public thank you to my DH, whose hairy legs can be seen below most of the quilts I've pictured in the last few days. He is a most tolerant and patient quilt holder. Tonight he commented that I must be close to running out of UFO's. A pleasant thought, but very far from the truth!

1. Cool breezes blowing in through the window
2. Raindrops to sing me a lullaby tonight
3. Increasing energy as I continue to lose weight
4. A new quilt book to peruse - Better Homes and Gardens "Quilt Pink for Hope


Sharon said...

Isn't amazing how, after quilting for a few years, our tastes change? I no longer care for the 2 or 3 fabric quilts I used to make - I much prefer the scrappy multi-fabric quilts I make now. But those old ones are good to see, if only to see how far we've come.
I agree that the Stepping Stones blocks on this quilt are much better at playing well with the Churn Dash blocks.
Isn't this cooler weather MUCH better?? I love it!

Teresa said...

Once again, I ust love the stepping stones blocks. So now I have the perfect setting for the redwork blocks I am making through a local quilt shop. Thanks for sharing these pictures - they do inspire.

Carol said...

Boy to do I love the churn dash...what a great setting. Glad you're doing great...retirement is the BEST!

Vicki W said...

You are on a roll!

Silverthimble said...

Patti: You have definitely been running the quilt finish marathon! I have enjoyed seeing the finished quilts as you have moved ever closer to the finish line. I love your husband's comment about running out of UFO's! I wish that were my problem! LOL

Sunny said...

I still love Hoffman fabrics, but like you my tastes for quilts have changed too. I am enjoying watching your parade of finished UFO's! Keep 'em coming.

Anonymous said...

You have been busy and completed some beautiful quilts. Thanks for sharing.

swooze said...

Wow you are doing a wonderful job! Down to 22 flimsies I see. What do you count as your total UFO list? How many?

Anonymous said...

Wow are you making some serious progress! Love the churn dash especially. That is a nice soft color combo. And we just gotta love or hairy-legged helpers! Lolol

Sweet P said...

Can you come to my house and quilt some quilts for me? Better yet, I'll send you some quilts to quilt for me. I'll do the binding. I love to sew on binding.

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Wow, haven't you been a busy girl! I've been catching up with your blog posts, and I've enjoyed seeing all the builtiful quilts you've finished lately. My favorite is the Stepping Stones. Beautiful shades.

tracey said...

oh my goodness! LOOK AT YOU!! it has got to feel soooooooooo good to get those quilts done. great job!

Anonymous said...

Patti, what wonderful quilts you have finished! it is such a good feeling to whittle those UFO numbers down.
I have to agree with you on the chestnut swirls panto. another one of Deb's that I really like on scrappy quilts is Deb's Swirls package.
June M.

sewkalico said...

I have noticed that I have neglected my house too and this will have to change because as tolerant and wonderful those DH's are they do start to notice when they can't see the TV through the dust LOL.
Great finishes!!

Lynda said...

Sorry, but have to agree with you about these two quilts. I much prefer the second. But the first one is lovely and will be very mcuh appreciated by its recipient. I'm amazed that even with a long arm, you've managed to finish 8 quilts in 8 days! Wow!

Shelina said...

Wow you are doing such a great job finishing up your UFOs! You have such great stamina.

Finn said...

I think the strong winds have blown your "finish it" bug right here to WI and I've been bitten by it!! Seriously! I didn't know you were infected also, LOL, being way behind on my blog reading, etc.(Jean's bone graft surury).
Wonderful that two of the finishes can find their way to WTIL project.
And as for all the go girl! Hugs, Finn

Gypsy Quilter said...

I'm so impressed with how much you've finished!