Sunday, September 30, 2007

Organization Complete

I've put my time off work to good use so far I think. I'm also giving my arm lots of exercising. The physical therapist gave me several exercises on Friday to prevent frozen shoulder. They are very painful to do but I'm making myself do them nevertheless. The therapist is encouraging my doctor to order an MRI on my shoulder. I'm emailing her tomorrow morning also to second that request. If I'm going to need surgery to fix this shoulder I want it sooner rather than later.

The exercise my arm is getting by finishing my organizing tasks is painful also but much more pleasant for me. I've filed away all the items I've saved from years and years of quilt magazines. My filing cabinet is now stuffed so it's a good thing I've decided to let all my subscriptions lapse. I've decided I'm not that crazy about the labels I've given the hanging folders and the file folders but I'm not going to change them now. It most likely doesn't matter anyway - I know I can't remember what 95% of the filed items are. Please don't ask me how many of these items have been removed from the file long enough to make something from them. Let's just say I'm saving projects for my retirement LOL!

I also took a trip to Office Max for some acrylic storage boxes. The remaining magazines are now arranged on the bottom shelf in such a way that I'll actually be able to find the one I want. I've now been able to move my jug of water for the iron up off the floor and onto the shelf. On the shelf above I've folded all the dish towels I have for future stitching and appliqué. Looks like I should start doing something with them too, don't you think? Maybe for Christmas this year. There is now room for one of my baskets of DMC machine embroidery thread, so they aren't all piled on top of themselves. I've also labeled all the notebooks on the top shelf so I can find the one I want right away without having to pull down three or four others first. I thought I'd also show you my two storage walls now that all the fabric is put away. Not any extra space so I'll have to stop shopping LOL!

Now that I'm not having to wear the sling I'm actually going to try some real sewing. I'm going to stitch together the Halloween wall hanging. I can hardly wait!

Be sure to check my blog tomorrow - I'm going to draw names for the first two give aways. If I find more items in the filing cabinet to give away - and I just might - I'll post those also.

1. Driving to Starbucks for the first time in two weeks.
2. Toasted sourdough English muffins dripping in butter
3. A comfy new sweatshirt that's all soft inside
4. Surprise visit with Rick and Rebecca
5. New pictures of Sophie!


Silverthimble said...

I am so impressed with your resolve to organize despite your pain! The room looks great now--looks like you are ready for retirement! :)

Tazzie said...

You have done amazing things in your sewing room. I wish I could come over and take the tour in person :-) I hope that your shoulder problems are solved quickly - imagine how fun it will be when you're back at the sewing machine!

Maria said...

It´s been a hard work but the room looks awesome, incredible job,congratulations.

Gail said...

You've gotten so much done, it looks so neat clean and organized....and ready to pull apart so you can SEW! Just don't overdue on that shoulder. (I've finaly begun the cutting and sewing on the quilt from the Trudi H book you sent me!)

Meredith said...

Now that everything is so organized are you itching to work on a project? I hope you can enjoy some quilting with your arm. You did such a nice job on your room. I guess now just about everything has a place to call home.

Beth said...

WOW, everything looks great! And I still see a few open spaces there for fabric on those shelves (I'm such an enabler LOL).

You have done a fantastic job getting everything perfectly organized, now to get all healed up and get back to quilting :)

Melanie said...

I'm enchanted with your sewing room. Your cabinets are like your own private quilt shop---Definitely the envy of the neighborhood....

Susie said...

You are so organized! I am so envious. It looks very inspiring to get in there and start sewing. Glad you can!

dot said...

This looks great. You did all this with a sore shoulder. You are amazing. I am sorry I did not see you at the expo. I looked for a lady in a sling but no luck. I like the picture of your group on your previous post. It certainly was a good show. I only bought on ruler and some bias tape. I was sooo good.

MARCIE said...

Hi Patti, I am catching up on your blog and want to wish you well with your shoulder! Your sewing room looks awesome! You are being so productive!

~Bren~ said...

Your organization is beautiful. How nice to be able to create in such a beautiful environment.

Unknown said...

Pattie - your storage looks so impressive - all that fabric to hand so you can see exactly what you have at any one time - well done for persevering - glad to hear your shoulder is improving slowly - don't do too much though :o)

Unknown said...

I'm so impressed with all the work that you have accomplished! It looks fantastic!

McIrish Annie said...

Hey Patti! I'm glad you are feeling better. I have been telling my hubby about your determination to do something "quilty" despite your injured shoulder. He says quilters are one of a kind!! and he is right!

and how's about my Red Sox??? Pretty excited here in CT.

I third that MRI! it will give you a definitive answer about surgery!

sewkalico said...

Wow, I wish my space looked so good and tidy! And I would love to see what you do with those dishtowels...

loulee said...

Your sewing room looks great. I wish I had a space like that. Take care of that arm. I hope it gets better soon.

Anonymous said...

You are such an inspiration! I really like those clear magazine holders. I'll have to get some for myself. Take care though and don't over do it!

Carole said...

Oh... I'm envious! Such organization! I think I thrive in chaos! lol Enjoy your sewing space!

CONNIE W said...

I love the organized storage of your fabric stash. It's amazing. I hope you continue to improve.

Heather said...

My jaw drops every time I see pictures of your sewing room. It looks so beautiful, like a dream! :D A very good dream LOL! I need one of your cabinets there with the glass front. I may have to talk my husband into taking me to IKEA for one soon. What a benefit to be able to see your fabrics, very nice.

Diane said...

Someone recently referred to me as one of the most organized quilters they knew. Wow, you've got me beat. What an incredible sewing room you have. I can't fathom how you managed to do so much with one arm. My MS has me working (I use that word loosely)with one hand and I can't accomplish anything. Take good care.

Patti said...
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Nanette Merrill said...

What great storage. I know for me when I'm organized I'm more productive and creative. This is just a fabulous work area and storage space.