Sunday, June 24, 2007

OK - I lied - just one more

I can't resist posting one more picture. I played around with what I had on the wall, trying to get a better balance of color and value. I like this better than what I had, but it still isn't right. I need more parts to play with. They are coming - but not as quickly as I'd like. Rats - too bad I can't stay home from work tomorrow! I sure could have fun!

I finished my Harry Potter movie-thon. Now I need to focus on listening to the rest of the books.


Tonya Ricucci said...

looks amazing. seriously wonderful. love that bed quilt too in the previous post. yup, it's that time. I've got the 1st HP book out to read too.

cityquilter grace said...

patti, from here that big blue block at the top is drawing the eye; maybe move it down left? where you have the blue above it, that might balance out that strong color better....just an idea, hope it doesn't offend you...

cityquilter grace

Carol said...

This is beyond fun watching this grow!

swooze said...

When I saw the first pic I thought wow that is a neat sampler. Then I read and saw it was your scrap-a-thon. It looks great. You can do some planned things now to help it come together. It will look great though!

Suzanne Earley said...

This is quite a project! It's fun watching it grow.

atet said...

Your orphans are lovely! I'm just about ready to pull out my own Harry Potter books -- both the British and American versions to get ready for July! Wooo Hooo!!!!

Unknown said...

It is fun seeing your quilt growing. It is so colourful. Maybe you could try some more electric blue in the bottom left corner to balance the whole. Anyway I wish I had so many orphan blocks to play with! Take care.

sophie said...

My personal approach when playing with blocks on a wall usually takes a few days. I arrange them, let them rest, peek at them in the almost dark (when I tend to notice value most), rearrange, sleep on it, wake up head straight to my sewing room to see if I still like it ... rinse and repeat until I'm happy. I'm enjoying your arrangement-in-progress photos.

Many times, I see things in a photo that I never noticed in real life, too. I wonder if you see your blocks differently when you look at your blog posts?

Fiona said...

Goodness, it's come on in leaps and bounds since I last looked. I'm sure the key to this is as you've said - having enough parts to play with.

Hanne said...

Hi Patti :-) YOur blocks are coming together fine. I always admire those who can make an orphan block quilt work - it makes my head spin just thinking about it ;-)

Quilting Pirate said...

Nice grouping layout!!

I was humored that you do movie runs like I do. Last week I was Lord of the Rings trilogy watching while quilting, Harry Potter is my next run--need to prepare for upcoming movie release :D

Judy said...

My goodness you have been busy while I was away! Everything looks wonderful. I have another blog for you to look at where the gal has her own transfer business selling older transfers on her Etsy shop. Try here

Her blog is down for the summer but click on the website called Pattern bee and be ready to be AMAZED!

Elaine Adair said...

What a great conglomeration of blocks. I agree about the dark blue block demanding too much attention. I've only done one of these, but I learned that we read from left to right and that's how we view things. So, the blocks might be gentler if you can arrange them in some kind of left to right setting. But I don't know how that applies to this quilt, it's just something I learned from my brief experience. And you want the 'heavies' near the bottom. You might also try looking in a mirror to see 'more'.

Can't wait to see it DONE! have fun.

Libby said...

These look like a lot of fun - just think how great it will look when you find just the right spot for everything *s*

MARCIE said...

I have tried some of this orphan block arranging and I think it is HARD! It takes so much studying and switching around. You are doing great with it. I know you will have a winner in the end!

Sweet P said...

I'm going to start clearing out my old UFOs to see if I can do a scrap-a-thon. Yours is terrific.

Finn said...

Hi Patti, your ophans and leftovers are coming along wonderfully. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!!
The blocks and colors are vibrant and strong, trust your own instincts about sewing and placement. You have a great eye for this!! And I can tell how much you are enjoying it..*VBS* I haven't begun the 'assembly' of sections or rows as yet..still playing with some scraps and bits.
I stuck the first 'chaos' picture up at Trains today, and will wait abit longer before snitching a second 'in progress' pic....Hugs, Finn

Lynn Dykstra said...

I love how it is coming together--one day, you need to bite the bullet and star putting it together; it will look even more wonderful!

Greenmare said...

it's great I love it! bring it over to my sewing room and I could get even bigger!

Linda C said...

I can tell you are having a whole lot of fun playing with this on your design wall.

I am seriously going to have to dig around and find some of my own orphaned blocks. Mostly those go to Sarah to have her work her magic. Actually one I was working on today for a row quilt obligation might be a good start as I am not at all sure I like how it is turning out. It has curved seaming and I thought, "what the heck? only have to make one" So much for thinking, LOL.

Nan said...

Patti - Your 'orphans' are starting to look like a family! I think a good challenge is a big part of the real fun of quilting, don't you?
I am so very proud of the Mariners - they SWEPT the Bosox - WOW!!!!!

Anonymous said...

wHAT An amazing looking quilt top, and I just love the quilt you showed on the bed, stunning.

Carol E. said...

I love the explosion of color! Fantastic! Will be interested in seeing how it turns out in the end.

Shelina said...

I'm behind in my blog reading Patti, and was catching up with what you are doing. Wow! The word "finished" appeared many many times. I am so incredibly impressed at how many UFOs you have finished, and how much scrap fabric you have busted. Way to go!

Quilts And Pieces said...

I"m finally trying to catch up! What fun this is! Can't wait till you have more time to play.

Lily Mulholland said...

Way to go Patti - and why wouldn't you want to post one more photo of this fabulous arrangement!

Love your broken dishes quilt too - thanks for another pic of it!