Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A new project

Most likely I shouldn't start a new project. I have lots of projects going now - just check my left sidebar. But since I've made such great progress on my UFO's I figure it's OK. Even if it isn't OK I'm going to do it anyway LOL!

I've been eyeing this quilt ever since I got this book. I've managed to hold off for 2-3 months now, but no longer. When I went shopping with a quilty friend on Saturday I purchased my backgrounds. I'm doing my quilt in different colors then Alma Allen did in this picture. It's a big quilt with big blocks - 28" square. The applique should be easy and fast. I might even try doing it by machine!

I've just figured out that I'm missing lots of comments left on my blog. I'm set up to receive comments by email, but for some reason only some of them are arriving that way. I don't know how long this has been going on. I'm going to have to check all the comments on recent posts. If you expected to hear back from me and haven't - now you know why.


Barb said...

That is a big undertaking.....can't wait to see the finished product.

Crispy said...

I love your project, you've been good, so you deserve to start another project LOL.

I love the fabrics, they are so soft and antiquie looking.


Janet said...

I can undersatand starting another project when it's as nice as this one. It's going to be gorgeous.

Deb said...

Patti.. I am starting this gorgeous quilt in May so we will be able to share...did you see the christmas rendition as well?? will you be doing that one too?? LOL so many projects and not enough time

scraphappy said...

The best part of finishing off old projects is not feeling bad about rewarding yourself with a new start. What lovely background colors. This quilt will be stunning.

Eileen said...

I know exactly how you feel. I'm doing Beth Ferrier's 2009 BOM and last week I fell in love with a scrappy quilt in the June AP&Q.

Have fun and enjoy the process. How's the job going? Have you retired yet?

Dawn Heese said...

I love all things from Blackbird Designs. I think they design just with me in mind.

Carol said...

WOW! That is going to be AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog via "quilting Blogs" in featured random blogs box.

I love your work!
I've only just started and keen to learn by reading your blog.

Karen said...

I am collecting fabrics for the very same quilt. I plan on using blues, reds, & browns similar to the one shown in the book. My backgrounds will not be as white as the original quilt. More to the creamy side. I don't know when I will get to the project but I am planning for it.
I also have collected fabrics for a smaller quilt in the book.

Little Lady Patchwork said...

Ohhhh, I can't wait to see it!

Have a good weekend!

Anonymous said...

What a stunning quilt! I like big applique blocks.

ranette said...

Oh this quilt calls my name...I have this book and am really, really tempted. I love your backgrounds and an excited to see progress on your blocks.

Shelina said...

That looks like a wonderful project. I think it is a good thing my library doesn't have the book!