Friday, October 5, 2007

How did this happen?

A few of you have left comments letting me know that my blog is featured in the October issue of British Patchwork and Quilting. I am so honored and surprised, and also very curious as to how this happened. Which one of you readers put a bug in someones ear at the magazine? I'd love to know who to thank.

A huge thank you to Sarah Jayne for sending me a copy of the write up and some other fun goodies as well. What wonderful friends I've made through blogging!

The saying goes that everyone gets their 15 minutes of fame sometime in their lives - this must be mine!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Lucky you. No, it wasn't me who recommended your blog.

Anonymous said...

Well isn't that fun, congrats, but darn I can't open the photo to read the write up....

Julia said...

Congratulations!!! That is awesome. You deserve you time in the spotlight!!

sewkalico said...

Well I'm not surprised! Great news, I shall have to get myself that issue :O)

Anonymous said...

What a hoot! Celebrity unaware.

Erin said...

woo hoo from Erin in NH!!!! Your blog is fantastic, you deserve it!
have a great weekend, enjoy the spotlight! You have a great heart and are an inspiration!

Laurie Ann said...

That's pretty cool, but doesn't it seem like they should have asked permission first, just in case? Have a great weekend!

~Bren~ said...

I can't think of a more deserving blog!! How wonderful. You should feel very good.

Tazzie said...

Ohhh how fun Patti. Your blog is just wonderful, so of course it deserves a write up!

Lily Mulholland said...

Congrats Patti! It couldn't happen to a nicer blogger :)

Pam said...

Congratulations!! That is so great. A British magazine -- pretty nifty :))

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

Congratulations, and highly deserved!
Well done, and well done on the pattern clean out as well! Tracey

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Congratulations, Patti.

Helen in the UK said...

Congrats on being featured :)

Linda C said...

Patti, you have fans all over the globe as a result of your blog. This just proves it. Congrats!

Cher said...

woo hoo! I know someone famous...that's right, it's you Patti! most excellent to have this happen to you - big congrats!

Joanne said...

Congratulations! That's quite an honor - deservedly so.

Nicole said...

Fantastic!!! Good for you!

Jeanne said...

Congrats, Patti! That's so neat to have your blog in the magazine. Maybe the article will produce even more quilting bloggers!

Quilter Kathy said... are famous! That's exciting news! We can say "we knew you when..."

sewprimitive karen said...

Congratulations, Patti, that is very neat. I can't get the photo to enlarge so I can read it.

Holly said...

That's quite an honor. Congrats!

Quilts And Pieces said...

very, very cool!

Libby said...

What a fun surprise for you . . . and now so many more readers to come to your blog. Congrats! *s*

Kim said...

How cool! Congrats!

Melanie said...

You're famous!!!! and to think... we knew you when.... It's kind of like my Mom always told me when I'd leave to go out with friends..." Always be good... you never know who's watching!!!! " This is outstanding...

atet said...

Congrats! You definitely deserve it!