And here we all thought bloglines was such a great thing. It saved us so much blog reading time because we knew whose blogs to read when. That's just fine and dandy - when it works. I think it was sometime on Sunday that it finally occurred to me that bloglines must have stopped working. Finally the "plumber" arrived to confirm our suspicions. And I still think it's not fixed. I spend yesterday and today clicking on every one of my registered blogs - 158 of them! - and found lots and lots of posts that I didn't know about. Hopefully I've caught up with all of you. I tried to leave comments for many of you, but I'm sure I missed some. I guess the silver lining in all this is that I was able to delete a few - blogs that hadn't been updated for at least two months, and blogs I "tried on for size" and learned they weren't "my cup of tea". (How's that for overdoing the use of trite expressions?) I sure hope the "plumber" gets the bloglines fixed before long!
In the meantime, I'm counting the minutes I can leave work and be free for 5+ days. About 55 now - and counting.
at least when it works, it does save time... but your right, once in a while its useful to make a tour and "weed out"
Hi Patti,
It's been so long, I can't even remember the last time I was able to get around to the blog ring. I'm still planning to do some folk art applique, but it's down a ways on the list. I just love looking at your work.
Bloglines is frustrating when it's not working. I spent Sunday morning going through my list as well. It seems to be working now. Hooray.
Think we all pray that bloglines soon will be fixed. When I came home on sunday evening and looked at bloglines I was so surprised it was almost "empty". Had everyone been so lazy this weekend LOL But when clicking on them a lot had happend. I have sendt them a question but the answer was that I had to send every url that was not updating before they could answer me.
Yeah, it took me a while to figure out that not everyone was out shooting their turkey! Blogger and Bloglines sure do slow down the process. I switched to WordPress, but neither Bloglines nor Quilt Studio webring are very helpful lately. Frustrating.
I don't have bloglines as i have heard a number of times that it plays up. I just check the blogs i have in three different folders in my Favourites. But i also noticed on the weekend that it seemed unusually quiet.
Everyone is complaining about their bloglines not working, and I have never used them! I didn't know what I was (not) missing. LOL
Hi there Patti
I emailed Bloglines yesterday and today they responded asking which blogs were being affected. Good to know that they're interested in helping out.
I'm using a mixture of Bloglines (which is working on those blogs which haven't gone over to Beta and Wordpress) and Fizzle which is an extension for Firefox. Fizzle only works if the Atom or RSS feed works. Hope they fix it soon.
Yep I've been having trouble too. Didn't realise it was to do with Beta!
love your counting the minutes line-I switched from bloglines to another method but truthfully - I am just hitting the ring list and not worrying about trying to keep up!
I have been without power for 5 days - so I have been completely in the dark!! Love the Country Threads centre you have finished.
Hi Patti, *VBS* sorry to hear the plumber was needed. Sounds like it doesn't work more than does work...blasted thing!
I have to say(without leaving a second comment and distracting you from your sewing time *VBG*) I absolute LOVE the "Somebody's Home" piece. The house is such a great plaid!! Love all the colors you are using. And it looks fun.
I really like row quilts for just that reason..you keep adding rows while never making "way too many" of a boring block..*S*
Hey girlfriend, have a great turkey day, and enjoy the 5 days off!!! Hugs, Finn
I sent Bloglines a comment about my blog. I think it's fixed. I dunno.
Bloglines never worked for me. I just go around the webring. =)
I am so behind in reading my posts that I am happy bloglines isn't letting me know about all of them. Of course, it is irritating when it tells me I am 68 posts behind, when it is closer to 9 or 10. I think those are people switching to beta blogger.
As I have never mastered the bloglines technology i can't help-but I think it's funny that I just find out there was an easier way when it's not working. Lovr the Country Threads piece.
I had so hoped that bloglines would be back in order -- but it's still not fully cooperating *argh* the things that are supposed to make our lives easier. Love the quilt from your previous post - that puppy looks like he just caused some trouble somewhere *s*
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