I'd love to keep going on the border, but it's time I put away the sewing for

That's OK - I know I've got plenty of time coming up this next week for stitching. And I'll feel much better with all the other jobs out of the way.
Gratitudes for today:
1. Hot apple cider with cloves and cinnamon sticks.

3. Our rain is back, but it's falling in the mountains as snow
4. TV series on DVD that we can borrow from our kids - currently watching Star Trek: Deep Space 9 Season 1
5. Beautiful, fresh red leaf lettuce
Patti it is WONDERFUL! I especially love the house!
Beautiful! I'm itching to get back to my prim applique - just one more Christmas quilt gift to do!
Great job! I love it!
thanks for sharing the close up views, Patti. The dogger is so cute!
What a lovely quilt center :-)
The fabics you "just pulled from the stash" are wonderful! It is agoing to be a great quilt.
Deep Space 9 is my DH favorite of the Star Trek Series...I'm pretty sure it is because of MAJ Kira!
The house turned out perfectly, but I too love those little plaid 4 patch and stars.
Oh, Patti, you have outdone yourself!!! This is absolutely gorgeous. Your colors are to die for and I especially like how the house has a shaded look to it on the right hand side. I'll have to look through my Country Threads books again!!!!
Those plaids are terrific - looks just perfect. I think the dog might be my favourite part though - I like his friendly face.
What lovely blocks! And the shading on the house is a wonderful idea! I envy how you are getting those UFOs down! Aren't those plaids warm and friendly. Keep a'goin, even though there are all those other jobs to do ...
I love it, love it, love it, girl!!!! All of it!! LOL
Turned out great Patti. Love the house and the pacthes with the stars...well pretty much the whole thing!! The quilting will make it perfect!
Very nice! Are you going to do several borders now or just one and keep it as a small wall hanging type quilt?
I think you did a great job with the oranges in the house... really adds to the 3D effect. :)
The dog! The dog! I love the dog!
I like the idea of the stars appliqued over the four patches. Nice job Patti!
I love this quilt - are you going to hand quilt it?
The center is lovely, and I can hardly wait for the new year to see the borders completing it. I like your pineapple quilting idea. I love the blobby tree!
This is great! I especially like the dog.
Ohh Patti !!It is perfect !! I love the dog also so much !!
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