Today is my third blog-anniversary. When I started writing three years ago today I never would have guessed how chatty I would be, nor how many people would be willing to visit. I'm so very thankful for all of you - my loyal readers. Blogging has been a tremendous blessing for me.
Happy blogiversary! I've enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your projects. I wish I was so good about working from my stash.
Three years??? And I'm just getting started. Sounds like this could become addicting.
Patti, happy blog anniversary! One day I typed in quilt blog. Yours is the very first one I read.(grin) I have been reading for over a year now, and just started my own blog. I am having lots of fun. Your tutorials have really helped me. Keep on blogging.
Wow - what a fantastic milestone. 750 posts! Happy Bloggiversary *s*
Wonderful!!! Love reading your blog all the time.
Happy Anniversary! your blog is great!
Congrats on 3 yrs .... I'm coming up to mine also; but don't have 750 posts. I've enjoyed your blog through the years.
Congrats on 3 years Patti, I've been reading your blog for over a year now, and its one I look forward too!
Happy, Happy Blogiversry! 750 posts is amazing!
Happy Blogiversary!
And all of them are so interesting and inspiring. I love your blog !
Patti, Nice job. Reading your blog is like keeping in touch with you. How many CWD blocks have you finished? Me, none. Dear Jane? I am at 116. wahoo. Take care. Ardis
Happy Blog-anniversary, Patti! What an accomplishment! I'm almost to 1 year (next month). It's been fun following your progress on your quilt studio and your UFO's. I'll have to check out your tutorials - haven't seen them before!
Happy blogiversary. I enjoy keeping up with you and your quilting.
Happy anniversary, and I hope that you have many more. Your blog is great.
Wow, that's a lot of posts... Congrats on your blogiversary. Love your blog.
Whoa! that is a lot of posts. Happy Anniversary!! Look forward to 750 more!
Congratulations on so many posts. I know that I certainly do enjoy your blog.
Happy Bloggiversary Patti. I always love stopping by and seeing what you're up to. Here's to another 3 wonderful years!
Happy 3 years of blogging.
Happy Anniversary. And go on like this. It is a lovely bolg. Thanks to you.
Happy Anniversary.
We are all happy you continue to blog, I doo never dreamed it would become so addictive. Here's to 3 more years.
Hi! I have been a long time fan of your blog-- thanks for writing it and happy blogiversary!
I'm super curious about one of your projects and I just can't let it go-- it's the strippy looking one with all of the phone book pages prepared-- what the heck is that? It's looks SUPER fun! Can you direct me to a previous post or a website or something that explains what you're doing there? I've tried to stop thinking about it, but my curiosity got the better of me ;)
Thank you Patti for sharing so much and so often with us! Happy Anniversary! Looking forward to even more of your wonderful posts!
WE'RE the ones who are thankful that you have a blog - love reading you!
Is it really 3 years? Seems like yesterday! Goodnes how time flies.
Congratulations, Patti! The fact that you blog has been a blessing for many but especially for me. ((HUGS))
Happy blog anny!
I love reading your posts as your passion for quilting comes thru so beautifully thru your projects and posts..
keep it up, I love the inspiration and 10 other quilts I need to make cause you did!
Congratulations, chatty Patti!! = )
Happy anniversary, I've started not that long ago and I never realized how much I would enjoy connecting with other quilters.
Keep going as long as you enjoy it and tahnks for all the sharing.
Congrats on your milestone Patti.
Looking forward to many more posts.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Sandy in Nebraska
Happy Anniversary, Patti, and may you have several more!
Well done on so many posts and so much inspiration to us all! Here's to 750 more :-)
Wow 750 posts! Congratulations!
Happy 3rd Bloganniversary!
Congrats on the 3 years, and I wish you a long and happy blog live, so we, your readers may continue to visit and enjoy. Thanks for your tip.
Happy blogaversary! It sure is fun here in blogland!
Enhorabuena desde España, tus trabajos son una maravilla ya me gustaria a mi saber y hacer la mitad de lo que tu haces....MUCHAS FELICIDADES
Happy Blogiversary! I soo enjoy your blog and like you blogging has a special part in my life.! keep up the great blogging and quilting! and congrats on having no UFOs!that's the beauty of retirement.
Congrats on your anniversary!! Love checking in to see what you've been up to :)
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