I also spent time cleaning the longarm room, and cleaning and oiling Gandalf himself. There is a Plexiglas cover over his workings on the front of the machine head, which gets a bit splattered with excess oil during use. I took it off and cleaned it, and replaced the felt pads around the bottom of the machine workings. They were saturated with oil, which tells me I'm probably oiling the machine too much. I figure better too much than too little! Then I gave him a good cleaning and oiling while all his innards were so easily accessible. His table got a good wipe down and his wheels got extra attention. I've been needing to do this for several months - I tend to put it off. Not sure why - it doesn't take all that long.
I've reloaded the quilt that is partially done - an old Thimbleberries Christmas quilt. I had to take it off to turn it - makes it much easier to do fancy borders - so I fit in the customer quilt while it was off. I should be able to finish quilting it tomorrow, and hope to have the binding machine stitched by this time tomorrow night.
The only true remaining UFO unfinished tops are the various collections of friendship blocks that I've accumulated over the years. I'm going to start attacking those next. Some will go together very easily. Others - the oldest - present one or more problems that must be dealt with. I'll start with the easier ones - that's four of the seven that are listed.
I'm also eager to get back to projects I've put aside for awhile - particularly Dear Jane and the Civil War Diaries quilts. Is anyone out in Blogland still working on their Civil War Diaries blocks? I've not seen any posted for quite awhile. I'll also be plugging away at long term projects - appliquéing Heirloom Stitches borders and making blocks for the various classes I'm taking with Eileen.
When I think back to those days when I worked it seems like another lifetime. I really loved my job at the credit union, and I really love retirement. I can't imagine ever wanting to go back to work. My life is certainly full just as it is.
1. Loving children and grandchildren
2. A loving husband
3. Good friends
4. Great books to read and projects to sew
5. A comfortable bed to sleep in each night

Hi Patti!
I just wanted to drop by and say thanks for such a great blog! I can always count on your blog for endless inspiration and great helpful tips!
Thanks again!
-from www.tannersnotes.blogspot.com
It';s just fabulous Patti, well done...and on the maintenance! Tracey
You can be proud of you !! This is a lovely quilt and you manage to finish one UFO !!! My dream !! lol I put aside for awhile too my CWDQ... one year !!! Maybe it's time to start it again...
Well done Patti, I love the way it looks. I think this may just be the inspiration I need to get my own CC quilt back underway.
I love how your CC turned out! Congratulations!
Outstanding! You are sure on a roll. I'm with you...loved my job but I'm sure LOVING retirement...I'm busy all the time.
I love the quilt! It is gorgeous! Your gratitudes are good - it's something we need to keep in mind, isn't it?
This is a stunning quilt, simply gorgeous! What an accomplishment. I have a Bonnie Blue pattern, but haven't even bought fabric for it yet. Your quilt is an inspiration for me to get r' done!
Very nice work on the quilt and I do know that feeling of satisfaction when a project is completed.
my goodness you work fast! It looks beautiful :-)
Way to go, Patti! Your CC looks wonderful and you have made great progress on finishing your UFOs.
My CW blocks are still waiting for me, but I realized that those very complicated freezer paper pieced blocks with lots of pieces were just the thing that sent my arms over the edge, so I can't go back to them until I really am all better...shouldn't be too long but they will wait for me!
It is stunning Patti. I love this one and still just might have to do it myself. I love your color choices.
What a gorgeous top. It is magnificent. Job well done.
Can't wait to see what you are working on next.
Wow! Your CC is great! Love the red, white and blue version!
Wow, you've been busy! Good for you! And your C.C. quilt is gorgeous. I love your fabric choices. It looks like a lot of work. Was it fun?
Ah, that looks great... I need to get mine finished... :) It's at the top with no borders stage, and seeing yours is an impetus to get mine done.
Congrats on getting your CC finished to flimsey stage, it looks great.
Hope Gandolph enjoyed his 'spruce up'!! Hope he's raring to go again :)
It's beautiful. Since I am gonna start CW Diary and Dear Jane quilts in January, I look forward to seeing your posts on those quilts.
Wow! Your CC top is gorgeous! I love the color choices.
Those borders really make the top sing Patti! GOrgeous work.
Bugger about the camping trip! Still, it looks like you managed to have quite a lot of fun regardless!
What a wonderful scrappy quilt! Good, good job.
I love your CC quilt. This one is on my list and I want to do the red/white/blue color scheme too!
This is a lovely quilt. I'm sorry I didn't do this mystery now.
Oh I just love it! It is wonderful!
Oh Patti, it's beautiful. I love your color choices. You've sure been productive.
Yoour Carolina Crossroads is lovely. I'm on step 3, also red, white, and blue, and now I am anxious to get back to it. A couple other things to do first though.
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