I decided to push myself this weekend to get the last two crumb chaos quilts finished - I want to see the end of them! I'll load the big customer quilt on Monday if not before. Making backings
and bindings for these quilts has certainly helped me bust some stash - at least 8 yards for each quilt for a total of 24 yards. That's certainly a good feeling!
Here are a few more of my Civil War blocks, plus a picture of the first two weeks production
all together. I'm so thrilled that so many bloggers have decided to keep us company making this quilt!
Now I'd better head upstairs. I still have to make the curtains for Joseph's room also - and it's less than a week until he comes home!
1. Purple crocus and white snowdrops along the front walk
2. Beautiful round mushrooms for stirfry
3. Warm golf weather for Fred
4. The smiles and cheerful greetings from all the workers at Starbucks
Isn't this weather wonderful? Your crumb quilt is so cheery and your CW blocks are great.
WOW love your crumb quilt ... beautiful. Thanks for the tutorial too.
Your crumb quilt is just so happy...love your CW blocks and I am so excited that Joseph's arrival day is almost here...YIPPEE!!!!!!
Them crumb quilt looks good on the bed! Those CW blocks are terrific too.
Them??? Dang, if I could type I'd be dangerous!
I am so happy that your finished with that quilt, it looks great!
Oh the blocks are wonderful, Monday I will get back to mine...I need to finish this quilt I am working on first.
I am loving your CW blocks.. I bought both books about a week ago they arrived and I am revved up to start making the quilt, but have promised myself to finish a few things first.. *sigh*
Less than a week till Joseph is here! You'd better get sewing fast Patti, because you'll be otherwise distracted for a while methinks :)
Love the crumb quilt - and the orange border! Gee that's a good tip to make the quilt 8" bigger around! I'll try to remember that too!
love your blocks.....I guess I better pick up the pace!!
Oh your crumb chaos quilts look so wonderful! I love it! And your CW blocks are great! Got my cd's today too! But first now I have to get a quilt quilted for a class I teach on tues! Yup, I waited till the last minute!
Your CW blocks look great! I love the crumb quilt - one of these days I have to do one of those.
Your crumb quilt looks fantastic - nothing beats a scrappy quilt IMO. Your blocks are coming along well too.
You quilt is wonderful and that orange works. Your civil war blocks look great all together like that. What is the friendship star looking block called?
Love the crumb quilt, a lot of piecing in that quilt. I love the orange border, it is perfect. Maybe you need a orange dust ruffle. You are moving right along on the CW blocks.
The blocks and the quilt look wonderful. I also bought the CW books but it will be a while before I make any blocks and even then I'm not sure I'm going to make a sampler but I'm enjoying flipping through the books looking at the blocks and reading the letters.
The quilt is fab. I like the choices of fabric you picked for your civil war blocks. Who says all that stash does not come in handy?
Ohh doesn't that quilt look wonderful on that bed! I'm so envious! I want a quilt like yours and I want a bed too!
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