Monday, July 30, 2007

Rounding the last curve and heading down the home stretch

Yesterday afternoon we started putting the center island together. Note the operative word - started. This was a LONG process. Especially when yours truly didn't examine the picture directions quite well enough. When everything was finished except for the drawers I discovered I'd put all the drawer pull panels in upside down. This meant dismantling quite a bit of it, turning them right side up and then reassembling. What a giant pain! It also meant we had to take the back off - and since it is little more than heavy white cardboard it looks just a wee bit worse for wear if one looks closely. I decided that didn't matter - I'll just cover it with the posters that I took off the walls! I put together one drawer and decided it was just too hard on my hands. Fred started putting together the next one and finally - after all we've already done - borrowed a drill screwdriver bit from the neighbor so it would go faster. Once he did that he whipped though putting together the drawers in no time. This morning I installed them in the cabinet. Sure works beautifully! Those of you who remember how crowded this room was will know how much I'm enjoying having this much space to move around in.

I still have lots and lots of fat quarters to refold, plus stacks of other stuff to find room for - either in drawers or in pretty containers to put on top of the cabinets. I still have my work cut out for me for the rest of the day, but I think I'm in good shape. If I don't finish folding all the fabrics they can sit quite happily on either the island or the big board with it's fresh, new canvas cover. I'm up against a deadline - tomorrow is cleaning day so I need to have everything either put away or up and out of the way.

Which tells me I should get back to work!


loulee said...

It looks fantastic. I'm so jealous, I still share the dining end of the family room.

Darlene said...

Oh Patti - it's beautiful. You've been working so hard and look at the reward for your hard work. Stunning new work space. Enjoy, my friend.

Pam said...

The cabinets looks really great. Love the island. Is that a kitchen island? Such a great idea. Just the right height for cutting. I bet you are enjoying it.

Gail said...

Patti, it looks fantastic! Good going, well organized, all done and good try it out!

Chookyblue...... said... will be so organised you won't know what to do.....

Angie said...

Wow, Patti! What an absolutely awesome sewing studio you have now!! Just wonderful!!

Finn said...

Patti, it looks just beautiful and you sure will enjoy it in your retirement years! Well worth all the hard work. Hugs, Finn

Anonymous said...

Patti, I love your new work space and I hope you'll soon have many happy hours of sewing in it. One thing to be aware of however, is potential line fading. Some fabrics will develop a light area along the fold line if left in place for a lengthy period of time due to exposure to light. So long as you rotate your stock though they'll be fine. Whenever I find a fade line in my stash, I just overdye that piece with Procion MX dye or cut around it.

Karen (Misiz C) said...

Don't you just LOVE Ikea?!! Your space is so light and roomy now. What a wonderful place to get your creative juices flowing. I especially love the island with storage space. Nice....very nice! :c)

Libby said...

It just looks absolutely wonderful - a room to aspire to *s*

Anonymous said...

When MCM grows up it wants to look like Patti's sewing studio!!

~~~!!!~~~ A~W~E~S~O~M~E ~~~!!!~~~


Melinda said...

I'm so very jealous. I don't suppose you could come reorganize my sewing room? ;)

Mary Johnson said...

I love the cutting table with drawers - was it a kitchen unit? If I ever have enough space to use a large piece like that again I'd love to have one.

Quilting Pirate said...

I am soo loving your progress on updating your sewing room and I'm thinking of using your ideas...I AM IN LOVE with your cutting table - you got that at IKEA as well?? Your area is going to be so organized, clean and crisp looking!! Very envious!

Tazzie said...

I'm so enjoying your sewing room reno Patti, I'm just thrilled with how wonderful it's looking!

Sweet P said...

The island looks even better in your studio than in the IKEA catalogue. DH doesn't understand why I would want a piece like that in my studio. Can I come over and help you fold fabric?

Jeanne said...

It's looking very inviting. I'll be right over. VBG Want to come and do mine now?

Anonymous said...

Your studio is looking great! It's so organized and I love seeing your fabric in the cupboards. What are you going to put in the drawers of your cutting table?

Susan said...

Wow, that is just amazing! It looks so clean and airy now. Fabulous!

Knot Garden said...

That's an amazing setup you've got there! Those wall cabinets are fantastic. What a lovely space to work in.

Helen in the UK said...

I don't envy you all the work involved in putting those units together. BUT I do envy you that fantastic work room that is appearing before us!! So much great space and storeage. Enjoy, enjoy :)

QuiltingFitzy said...

Your new organization is awesome. Wish IKEA wasn't so far away, and we had a truck to go get it, lol.

Put it all to good use!

Darlene said...

Hey Patti - where do you keep your books? In with Gandalf? Just curious.

Joanne said...

I love the island -- the room is coming together nicely. It will be a pleasure to work in there now, I'm sure.

Nan said...

WOW!! That's all I can think of to say - all your hard work is certainly paying off. A friend of mine is going to organize her crafty room (she has to share it with her fly-tying hubby), so I showed her your photos. She was so excited, she wanted the link to your blog to show her husband! I think you've started something. Hooray for IKEA - and Patti!!!

Judy said...

Oh Patti it's just what I thought it would look like. I wondered if you picked the island with all drawers or the one with 3 drawers and 2 shelves. So you guys put all the cabinets together with just a hand screwdriver? Good golly! Power tools are just superb aren't they?

It's looking good and you must tell me how the cutting table works out for you. I'm itching to eventually replace this wobbly fold up table but not too soon.

Kairle Oaks said...

Wow...your room is coming together so nicely. I'm also making some changes in my sewing room. Still can't decide if I want to paint or not. Hmmm.....

atet said...

Oh my -- your space is just wonderful! And think how much more easily you will be able to get to all of your fabrics! Great work!

Eileen said...

What a great space! I love what you're doing-I'm going to have to show DH and tell him "I want a room like Patti's". Where in Ikea can I find an island like yours?

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Fantastic quilt space, looks like a magazine lay-out! It's inspiring to sew in such a well laid out, organized space. Thanks for sharing.

corry said...

Wow...what a beautiful workspace!!
Love your cutting table in the middle and all your fabrics....!

Quilting Kim said...

WOW - what a wonderful room. We expect to see some great things come out of there (as always!)

All of your hard work has really paid off.

Nicole said...

I am insanely jealous. What a fantastic work place for you! If I had a studio like that, I would never come out.

swooze said...

Wow! Come do mine next! Please!

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

I have to add to the 34 and say it looks brilliant!!!! Tracey

Wendy said...

wow...a dream sewing room. The island is such a great idea and the right height for cutting. Love that green on the walls and window frame.