I wore a dress that I'd borrowed from one of my older cousins. Looking back I'm sure it was a cost saving measure on my parent's part, but I loved the dress and felt honored to wear it.

The third picture was taken early this year. On the left are our daughter and son-in-law, in the center are our son and daughter-in-law, and we are on the right (obviously!).

Happy anniversary! What a wonderful family!!!
Jeanne :)
Oh, those are wonderful photos to have. You both look just as great as on your wedding day!
What a lovely family. One sure can tell that you son & Daughter are related. I love the progression of the pics
Patti, You and your husband are a lovely couple - happy anniversary!
Happy Anniversary, Patti. What a good looking bunch. You all look so happy in the picture.
So why not spend your day doing what you you really want--relaxing at home with the one you love.
We hardly ever go out to eat so it is nice to have ours out but normally I am a pretty cheap date because we go for the January special at a local catfish restaurant, LOL. We rarely go there any other time so that DOES make it special.
Happy Anniversary! Great pictures - then and now. My dress was also "borrowed"--from my mother. I too was honored to wear a dress with such history.
Happy Anniversary & thanks for sharing!
Congratulations! This is a big milestone in today's world. My husband and I just passed 40 years in April.
I know what you mean about tryig to figure out what to do to celebrate. We finally decided that we were imposing some else's standards on ourselves. So, we did what we like to do . . . went to an auction. It was a lucky day for me. I came home with a wonderful remembrance - a 14 karat gold thimble. (I told the story in my blog, www.Tippeca-Needle.blogspot.com) We thought it was the perfect way to spent a day.
Such a lovely wedding dress. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary.
Isn't it amazing how fast time goes by? One day you're getting married and the next day your children are getting married.
Cost saving measure, or not, that wedding dress is beautiful! Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary Patti! And what wonderful pictures of the family! Isn't it fun to look at your wedding pictures. I"ll have to dig one out of ours - I have a funny story about it!
Happy anniversary ! .. Thank you for sharing your family pictures!! I love to see them !
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