Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Progress of another kind

It's been awhile since I mentioned my efforts to lose weight. I was catching up on my blog reading, and read Mary's report on her efforts. That reminded me that I'd joined Mary in pledging to report once a week. So here is my current progress, expressed in "Weight Watcher Shorthand".
206.2 : 187.8 : 164

The first number is my starting weight, the second number my current weight, and the third number my goal weight. I'm only 1.8 pounds away from my first big goal - loss of 10% of my original body weight. I've been going to meetings for 10 weeks now - that's an average of 1.87 pounds lost per week. I can certainly tell the difference in the way my clothes are fitting. I'm really enjoying the meetings also - our leader is wonderfully motivating. This time attending meetings has made all the difference in the world. If you need to lose weight and you've never tried Weight Watchers then I encourage you to do so.

I admit I've fallen off the wagon a time or two - it certainly doesn't help when the weekly hostess for our Tangled Threads serves a dessert like she did on Tuesday evening. Of course, no one was standing over me making me eat it LOL! I have no will power at all when it comes to things like this - the only solution is to not put the temptation in front of me. Did I eat it? You're darned right LOL!


Sharon said...

That's me too - the "see-food" diet. And I need to lose weight too. Maybe I'll give WW a try. I've had some friends that were very successful on it. You're doing very well on your weight loss. Good for you!!

Caron at Michigan Quilts said...

Good for you!!! Keep up the good work. It's a long, hard road, but you (we) can do it!

Go, Weight Watchers!

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

That dessert looks wonderful.

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

Nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by! I started out with some Early American decor as well! I loved to see some of your home.

Paula, the quilter said...

Congratulations on the weight loss! I need to do that too. Is the family helping or hindering?

Anonymous said...

You're doing a great job! Congratulations!

I think if you don't have a dessert bit once in a while, you probably are less likely to stick with the whole program. At least, that's how I am.

Shelina said...

Your bear is looking wonderful. Congratulations on your weight loss. I think you have to splurge once in a while (In moderation) so you won't binge or fall off the wagon completely.

Teresa said...

You're doing great!!!

McIrish Annie said...

congrats on your progress! I'm just like you - LOVE Sweets! So I don't buy them and try not to bake very often. but if it's in the vicinity, I can't resist!

Finn said...

I have exactly the same problem, I can resist everything but sweets...LOL Congratulations on the marvelous weight loss. Such a feather for you cap, and I know you'll go ALL the go girl!!

Sarah said...

I'm on the WW jouney too. I think you do have to live a little - otherwise you're going to have a very boring time. Keep up the good work.

Sweet P said...

Congrats on the weight loss!
Those desserts do look yummy! Remember, once in a while you have to have a little fun with your food.

Michelle said...

Great job on your weight loss so far! You should be really proud of yourself!

Mary Johnson said...

You're doing so well! I'm not as pleased with my progress but I'm not being very strict and the traveling doesn't help. However, even with the pounds I've lost, my pants are fitting so much better so even if I don't lose big, I'll take the little losses.

Anonymous said...

Hey you are doing great!! I need to join you. :o)

Idaho Quilter said...

Hey Patti you know it is ok to eat dessert as long as you count it. You are doing great I only averaged 1 lb a week, so was very discouraged at first. But all of a sudden I was a size 14 instead of 16, now I am determined not to go back.