Thursday, March 27, 2008

Give Away!

Now that I've finally finished my Rosewood Cottage block of the month I have no use for the patterns. So I've decided to offer them in a giveaway!

This is a six part quilt. Piecing is easy. Appliqué is easy also as it's all done with fusibles. The patterns are already reversed for tracing onto the fusible. I did all the blanket stitching by hand with floss, but it could just as easily be done by machine.
If you'd like to be in the drawing for these patterns, leave a comment on THIS post. Be sure you send me a separate email in addition to leaving a comment if your email address isn't public on your profile or if you don't have a profile. I will do the drawing after retreat - and probably also after next week's quilt show - depending on how many people enter.

Good luck!
Update - Entries are now closed at 90 comments.


Sew Create It - Jane said...

Oh that looks like a fantastic project! I hope my name comes out of the hat :o)

Maryjo said...

Oh, please draw my name! I love your do a great job!

Mary Jo in Iowa

Paula said...

What a special treat! I wouldn't mind winning...and I'm sure I would pass the patterns on too! LOL

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

What a terrific project - just the thing for my new house.

I love your blog - it is the first one I go to every morning - just wondering what new creative idea you will have.

Jo - in Bellingham, WA

Richelle said...

I would love for my name to be in your drawing. It would be a fun project.


Longvacation said...

Oh, that does look a treat. I too, would love to give it a try. I've got my fingers crossed! Thanks for offering.

Andrea said...

It is a fantastic quilt - well done ! I would love to be in with a chance - thanks.

PiecefulChaos said...

Oh, please put my name in the hat too! I love these patterns!

Carolyn said...

This is a quilt I have been looking at for awhile, but haven't invested in the patterns. I'd love to win yours, what a generous give away!

Terry said...

I would love to be in your drawing for the patterns. They are so beautiful. Thanks, Terry

Sue Cahill said...

I would love to make this quilt so I hope I'm the lucky one!
(sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Sewbaby said...


How generous of you. I would love to be included in the drawing. Have a wonderful time on your retreat!!


Suzy said...

What cute patterns. I would love to win them. Count me in. Have fun at your retreat! :o)

Ayala Levinger said...

I only tried paper-piecing once but I would love to practice more. the patterns looks lovely from here :-)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful "give away" - hope it will be be!!!!
Connie P

Jeanne said...

That is such a gorgeous quilt! Please take my name out of the drawing as I already have the patterns. Good luck to everyone!

Elaine Adair said...

Wahhhhllll, I wouldn' mind winning them at all! Hope I'm lucky/1

Elaine Adair

Dottie @ Tadlafleur said...

Let's try this again. I lost the first post. I love the Rosewood Cottage. Please put me in the pile. Just wanted to add that with reading your blog it has helped me do my "15" minutes a day. Thank you!

Seams to Sew and Quilt said...

I love this, please put me in the drawing. Thanks, Vera

svotaw said...

I just visited for the first time and love the information you have posted on your blog. I love the Rosewood cottage designs.

Teresa said...

Me, me, me - (waving my hand frantically here) - please count me in. You are very generous to offer such a nice give-away. I hope its a good sign..the crazy letters I had to type for this post kind of looks like luck - they are spelled lyuk!

Anonymous said...

Please count me in !
Thank you,
Danielle from Bruges

Michelle said...

What a fun giveaway! I'd love to join in! Thanks!

SuBee said...

Wow - how generous! Yours is so beautiful, I hope I can do as good a job! (wink wink)

McIrish Annie said...

Boy the last thing I need is another project, but this one is so darn nice! Throw me into the pot! and have a great time on your retreat.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win the pattern set. Your quilt is so cute! Looks like a lot of other people want to win too!

Lissa Jane said...

OOoh.. how generous.. kinda sharing the love! Of course I need another project like I need another hole in the head, but this quilt is stunning!!! Have fun at your retreat.. the retreat I go to each year, usually involves little sewing, little sleep and lots of socialising!


Ann J said...

How can I resist joining in - please put mu name in too!!
Luv Ann J (France)

Thimbleanna said...

Those look like great patterns -- please throw my name in the hat!

b_ildikó said...

Would you post it to Hungary, too?
I'd like to win it if possible.

Becky said...

Your quilt is gorgeous! Thanks for your sharing your patterns with a lucky reader! Hope that you have a fabulous time on your retreat. Wish I was going too! Looking forward to your post and pictures when you return.

Becky in Georgia

chook said...

oh wow I would love to win this pattern it is so cute
please enter my name
hugs Beth

Tracey in CT said...

This is a very cute pattern! Please enter me in your drawing!

Floss said...

I would love to be included in the draw.
Your quilt is beautiful.

Di said...

Oh, I would love to win those patterns! Please include me in your drawing!

Thank you so much!

Unknown said...

I am in !! Please include me .
Hugs from Chile , Vero

Silverthimble said...

It looks like your give away is popular! I am number 37! Count me in for the draw!

Idaho Quilter said...

Please put my name in the hat, Ilove BOM.....

Anonymous said...

PLeazzzzz........I would like to join the draw too!
I love this quilt as much as I like the Civil War blocks.
Vrolijke groeten (happy greetings) from the Netherlands!

Chookyblue...... said...

I am behind but I just wanted to wish you all the best for 500 posts......quite an achievement........well done

Chookyblue...... said...

opps sorry the comment on the wrong blog............sorry......

What I meant to say it your quilt is very lovely that you have made form these patterns......... very lucky person to recieve them.......

Julie said...

That quilt pattern in so lovely. Please enter me in the draw.

Caron at Michigan Quilts said...

Please enter me into your drawing. Love that quilt!

Caron in Michigan

Darlene said...

Beautiful quilt, Patty and wonderful give-away! said...

Love that Quilt, I have all the block patterns, but haven't started it yet!! Story of my life...and Yes I found your new blog, will keep coming back, hugs,
http://mary-myneedlethread.blogspot.comAlso I am soooo addicted to the Civil War patterns, love your blocks, great job!!! said...

how do I add you to my list of fav places on my blog? What is your blog address, Mary

Linda Quilts said...

Oh my, your quilt is beautiful. I'd love to make one just like it. I like quilts with a combination of pieced and appliqued blocks and yours is wonderful. Linda J in GA

Betsy said...

this is so beautiful. I hope I can win.

cynthia said...

I love your quilt! Please add my name to the hat, I'd love to do the bom. I love reading your blog.

Shelina said...

Oh yes, please enter my name. This is such a beautiful quilt.

BusybeeDebQuilts said...

Please enter my name! It's a beautfiul project ... yours is stunning!


julieQ said...

Thank you! I would love to be included in your drawing!

Anonymous said...

what a great pattern, please count me in the draw so l can make a quilt as good as yours,

Anina said...

Wow, it looks like I'm a little late to this party. :-)
Those patterns look darling.

tenacity said...

I am number 55! I would love a chance at the Rosewood Cottage patterns. Have fun at your retreat. Regards.

swooze said...

Oooh love it! Put me in please. said...

I Love your quilt . have a good time at the retreat! I'd love the patterns!

Tanya said...

Wow, with 57 more people ahead of me the chances are slim... but the patterns should come my way I'd be thrilled to put aside other projects for awhile!

Ginger Patches said...

Oh I would love to win those wonderful BOMs! Your blog is great, I just found a link to your pressing tutorial the other day over at Carol's (Brown quilts) I was reading in her archives :)

Chocolate Cat said...

What a beautiful pattern and what a generous gesture to share the patterns. I'll love to go in the draw. Enjoy your retreat.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your blog. I've introduced your crumb chaos block method to my friends in Istanbul. Thanks for being so generous. Pat

Unknown said...

Love your Rosewood Cottage quilt!
How's breakfast?

Anonymous said...

Please add me to your drawing. Love the blocks. Have a great time on your retreat.


Robin said...

Wow, that's really generous of you!! I really love that border...

Pam said...

Oh - I better add my name to the draw, although I am not all that lucky :)))

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE, draw my name! I love this quilt and actually have fabric in the stash that would work perfectly. Enough said. I'm going to sit by the mailbox now and wait for my prize...

Anonymous said...

Oh, pick me, pick me! That is such a cute quilt.

Have fun on your retreat. Can wait to see your pictures when you get back.

Jeanine in KS

Khris said...

What a lovely idea....I know once you make something you dont usually make it again..why not give somebody else the chance to make it too...hugs Khris

Hanne said...

Please include me in your drawing Patti :-)
I usually have more luck in love than in games as we say here, but if I dont try........

Carin said...

I am so hoping you draw my name :O)

Rose Marie said...

I've admired this quilt pattern on so many blogs and since you're giving away the patterns ...... well .... count me in! So generous of you.

Winona said...

Please enter me in your drawing. I love your blog. It was one of the first quilting blogs I started reading. Have fun at your retreat.

Anonymous said...

Help!!! I never ever ever "join" in things. I am one of those lurkers out there. But the lure of the patterns enticed me to sign up to the google blogger thing...I left a comment (#55 I think). Anyway since then all the comments that followed mine have ended up in my email box. What have I done? Please help...Regards :~)

beppes75 said...

You did a beautiful job on your quilt!
Please add me in the drawing for the patterns

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful quilt! Great job! I would love to make that one, too. Please enter me into the drawing! Thank you! Julia

Drucilla's Stitches said...

Your quilt is gorgeous, please enter my name I'd love to win the patterns!!

Quilts And Pieces said...

What a nice give-away! I"m in for the pick!

Debi said...

Great patterns, I would love to win them.

Ann said...

What a great way to clean out your pattern stash.

I hope you draw my name.


Ruthie said...

What a super idea for a giveaway. Please enter my name.

Jan said...


Love your blog, would love to win, I'm a new quilter, and I'm looking for some tried and trues.


Edna said...

These patterns would be wonderful to win! I checked out the quilt that you made and it is awesome... you do great work!!

Carole said...

This quilt is really lovely, and I like the fun of giveaways ! So I'm in, have a nice retreat and good luck to everybody !

Susie said...

Since I'm way at the bottom, maybe my name will be at the top! The quilt is beautiful.

Val said...

I would just love to be in your give a way. This is my first visit to your blog. I will be back.

Michele Bilyeu said...

Dang, 85 comments before I get to this post. Oh well, I'm an optimist ;) Throw my hat in the...never mind. One of my 3 cats just threw up on the backing of my "Good Luck Karma' quilt. So, maybe this isn't my day to enter a contest, after all. Oh heck, throw my hat in the...never mind 'throw'...TOSS, er...lay gently, my hat in your ring. :)

Melinda said...

I would love to have the patterns. I really enjoy your blog and try to read it every day.

Unknown said...

Yes please Pattie - count me in - and enjoy your retreat

Jeni said...

I would love to enter! I'm new to your blog, just found it today!

Anonymous said...

Hi Patti !
I had chosen your blog among the many ones I have to catch up with... and wat do I see ? ? This wonderful giveaway ! You bet I can't resit asking you to put my name into the drawing, this is such a beautiful quilt ! THANK YOU !
Have a wonderful retreat, dear, ENJOY !

(who will soon be retiring, as well, HeeHee !)