Sunday, January 27, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Me!

Two years ago today I started blogging. Apparently it agreed with me because I've been pretty chatty - this is also my 500th post. No surprise to anyone of course as I've already mentioned this fact a couple times LOL!

If you have left me one or more comments since I first mentioned this then you are already entered in my anniversary give away. If you've not commented yet, or would like to enter more than once, then comment on this posting. I will give everyone a couple more days, then will do the drawing on Tuesday evening. I want to mail the package on Wednesday so make sure I have your email address as I'll need the winner to send me their snail mail address right away. I've done some shopping for more things to add to the box - I think it will be a nice present for whoever should win.

I've been busy with crumb chaos blocks since my last post. I'm eager to get all these blocks together into tops so I can reclaim the basket they are sitting in. Rick's and Rebecca's camping quilt is on the longarm all ready for me to start quilting it. I'm choosing a pantograph of blowing leaves which seems appropriate for an out-of-doors quilt. Jeremy's and Chelsea's camping quilts are all pieced together and waiting patiently on hangers for me to sew on the borders. I'm currently piecing a larger quilt for our bed. Once it is pieced I will have used 598 blocks - which will still leave another 418 blocks! I will be able to piece at least three more tops from the remainder - by then I think I'm going to be thoroughly sick of these blocks and more than ready to move on to something else!

Yesterday I completed the orientations required for volunteers at Fort Vancouver, a National Historic Monument and Park here in town. I will be working in the period clothing area, which is run by Eileen Trestain, our instructor of the nineteenth century quilt classes I've been taking. I will be helping create and care for all the period clothing and linens at the Fort. Tomorrow I will report for my first work session - they are held on Mondays and Tuesdays from 10:00-3:00. I'm really looking forward to participating.

Seems like the weeks since I retired have just flown by in a blur. This past week I quilted two customer quilts, visited my Chelsea and Sophie, ran errands, took care of necessary visits to the doctor and the dentist, completed paperwork for moving my 401K into a new IRA as well as paperwork for receiving my pension starting in March, and tried to fit a bit of my own quilting in between everything else. So far next week looks like it will be almost as busy. As so many of you said, I already can't imagine how I ever had time to work!

1. Return of warmer weather
2. Good report for all my lab work - I'm healthy
3. Coffee this morning with Rick and Rebecca
4. Gourmet hot chocolate
5. Wonderful period fabrics for 19th century reproduction quilts


JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

I really enjoy your blog - it is the one I have bookmarked so it is always the first one I read. I love your organizing too. We just moved into a new house and I have a nice big studio - fairly well organized already - and we've only been here two weeks. Your friend Linda Ferguson sent me your blog when I told her that I couldn't find an interesting quilt blog to read - and I've looked forward to each blog since.


Ann said...

I love the crumb chaos quilts. The more different fabrics in one quilt, the better!

Silverthimble said...

Happy Anniversary, Patti! I never tire of seeing these crumb quilts. I think of them as being "earth friendly" and "green". The more we quilt these scraps into quilts, the less scrap fabric ends up in the landfill. Wonderful!

Purple Pam said...

I do like your setting of the crumb blocks. I just searched for my unquilted top in my sewing room. It has sashing between the blocks. After seeing your setting, I like your setting without the sashing. My blocks seem too small, or the sashing too big. Your quilts are so colorful, too. Happy Anniversary.

Pam said...

Congratulations Patti!! Have fun with your new "job" You should take your camera and take some pictures of the clothing you are working on there.

Sounds like you are doing a pretty good job of working your way through those crumb blocks!!

Vicki W said...

Happy Blogiversary! I really enjoy checking in on what you are doing. Isn't is amazing how "together" thse crumb quilts look when they are all done? I loce them!

Lissa Jane said...

Congratulations on your Blogiversary! 500 posts?? HOLY MOLY??? and congratulations on stashbusting those crumb blocks.. what a feat, over 900 crumb blocks!


dot said...

Happy blogiversary. I think I have left a comment but I can't remember so I will do it anyway. I love your crumb blocks. They so much neater and cleaner than mine ever do. I look forward to many more entries.

Tazzie said...

Happy Bloggiversary Patti. I always love to stop by and see what you're up to, your crumb blocks are amazing, and I can't believe how many you've made. How much fun you're having, I really don't know how you made time to work!

SusanBLuvsCrafts said...

Happy Blogiversary! I always enjoy reading your blog. I recently finished a quilt top that is somewhere between Carol Coski's Mile a Minute quilt pattern and your Crumb Chaos. I started with Carol's pattern and quit reading directions. I'm somewhat know for doing my own thing.

Keep up the good work! (There's a email link on my blog, javascript encoded to reduce spam.)

Laurie said...

I love your crumb chaos quilts; if you get too tired of them I'll help you out! ;). I thought I had a lot of quilts started but I think you have more.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Patti on 500 posts and 2 years of blogging. Always enjoyable and inspiring to read. The crumbs are amazing. I have lots to work with but I hope not number you came up with.
Robin in Kelso,

Carol said...

Happy Blogiversary Patti...I think I say that at least twice a did I ever have time to work. Never a dull moment. Have fun in your new "job" :-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on two yearsof blogging and your 500th post. Istop by regularly to read what you have been doing.

Audrey Walker

Doodlebug Gail said...

Congratulations on your 500th post - love the crumb quilt, it is so bright and cheerful!

Carol E. said...

I love the crumb quilts. I make them, too. They are endless as the scraps multiply overnight. Happy blogiversary! I recently celebrated two years as well. It has been such fun!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 500 blog entries in two years! Very nice of you to share with us...I am a regular reader looking forward to retirement so I can do the fun things that are keeping you busy. Keep enjoying...

Anonymous said...

Happy 500 posts and anniversary!

I have bags and bags of crumbs just waiting to be turned into quilts! I hope my quilts look as pretty as yours when they get done!

Lindah said...

Wow! All those crumb blocks are inspiring. hmm, I wonder how many potential crumb quilts I have languishing in my bins? Congratulations on your blogiversary! I really enjoy reading your posts.

Julia said...

Your blog is one that I read almost everyday. Thanks for all that you share with us.
By the way, I love the quilts that you are making with your crumb blocks.

Pat said...

Congrats on your 500th post! .Congrats on two years of bloging and best wishes for many more. Love your blog. I continue to check basck to see what you are up to.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 500 posts and 2 years of blogging. I always enjoy reading your blog. Glad you are enjoying retirement.

Made By Claire said...

I love this crumb quilt. I think I will have to have a go at doing it after I have finished "Our Quilt". I am doing my hubby and I a "Le Moyne Star Quilt". So far I am really pleased with how it is turning out.
Happy blogiversary...

Beth said...

What a mile stone! 500 posts and 2 years! I love reading your blog..keep up the good work.. Congrats....

swooze said...

Wow! Congrats! I love looking at your work. Here is to another 500 posts.

Fiona said...

Can't resist leaving a comment - yours was one of the first blogs I started reading regualarly. Here's to another 500 posts!

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

WELL DONE...on everything!! Tracey

canquilt said...

Congratulations and what a wonderful quilt to use up a bunch of fabric bits. For camping? It is too pretty for camping.

dutchcomfort said...

Congratulations on your 500th post. Unbelievable, so many in two years time!! Your quilt looks so wonderful. It’s great to see you are having such a party since you’re retired!!!

sewprimitive karen said...

Oh, the historical job will be so lovely, what a wonderful choice!

Caron at Michigan Quilts said...

Can't wait to see your crumb quilt finished. I love all the colors! What kind of sewing machine do you use on your frame? I'm planning on getting one in the near future...

Caron in Michigan

Penny said...

Happy Blogiversary! The crumb blocks are great, I'm just waiting for the day when I ahve enough to make my own 'crumb quilt'.

María Elena said...

From Chile I knew your blog for some time ago and I rediscovered you in challenge the May Britt. I am doing the Crumb Chaos blocks, I learned in your blog. Congratulations

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 500th post. I am so inspired by you. In the past I tossed out scraps because I didn't think there was anyway I'd use them. But I am inspired by your crumb caos so now I'm going to start saving scraps and hope that when I retire, I'll have time to do something creative.
Yours is the only quilting blog I read regularly so keep it up:) thanks, Liz from Fort McMurray, AB

Darlene said...

Patti, congratulations. Happy blogiversary! You've know I've been here all along - your blog being one of the first I discovered.

I never tire of anything on your blog - you consistently provide and share inspiration and knowledge.

Thank you for having such a wonderful blog.

McIrish Annie said...

Happy Blogday! it's hard to believe you are just blogging toddler of 2 years! you are sewww inspiring.. hope retirement is agreeing with you.

Melinda said...

Happy blogiversary! The crumb chaos quilts are a lot of fun.

Paula said...

Congratulations on your Blogiversary! Five Hundred Posts is nothing to sneeze at!

Lisa said...

That's a lot of blocks!!! congratulations on your blogiversary!

Chookyblue...... said...

Happy blog birthday and wow that is lots of post.........well done.......looking forward to your new posts........

Liz said...

Patti,Congratulations on your 2 years of interesting and colorful posts. It's been fun to watch your projects come to fruition.

Gayle said...

I've just discovered blogging and you've been doing it for TWO YEARS! That's amazing! Your blog is inspiring to me - I love to read it every few days. Would love to win your goody bag!

doni said...

Things I love about your blog. the pictures are great. Your attitude of gratitude - and your chatty ways!

Congratulations on your 500th post!

doni in nebraska

Becky said...

Congratulations, Patti! Thank you for your wonderful posts and inspiration. You always say something that I can relate to. I especially appreciate your Gratitude Lists.

Becky in Georgia

Libby said...

Congratulations and happy Blogiversary to you. I just love those 'crummy' blocks *s*

Linda C said...

Happy Blogiversary! Isn't tat something that 2 years and the 500 mark are happening at the same time? Congratulations and thanks for keeping us inspired and entertained, Patti.

I took your advice about the notebook organization thing though I wish I had room for the larger file cabinet---DID clean out my two drawer though and made some more room. THX

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary! I started a crum quilt and need to pull my pieces out and finish working on it. I enjoy reading your blog.

Jeanne said...

500 Posts! That's a lot of chatter and quilting! Thank goodness for those of us who enjoy reading your blog. Happy Blogiversary!

chook said...

yay congrats on your 500 posts and 2 years blogging
hugs Beth

julieQ said...

Happy Anniversary! I remember that huge pile of blocks when you first showed them, and I love your resulting quilts. What a great way to use of yuur little pieces!


Anne Ida said...

A little belated happy anniversary! And congratulations on your 500 posts! Thank you for sharing your creativity and for being an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary to you!

I'm a fairly new reader but I have gone thru all your earlier posts and I will continue reading your blog.

Thank you for sharing your quilting with us!

Anna (from Finland)

Robin said...

Hi, Patti! I have a longarm machine that I recently bought, and I was interested in how you load your quilts to be quilted. Do you 'float' them (as it appears by your picture), or do you pin the trailing edge? Have you done it both ways? Do you prefer one way over another, and why?

Tanya said...

The Crumb Chaos quilt is so striking. I can't wait to see it all quilted up! Just the sound of "blowing leaves" makes it sound exciting!

Beth said...

WOW, congrats on 500 posts and 2 year of blogging! What a milestone!!

Your crumb quilts are lovely and I can imagine that by the time you use up all those blocks you will be very sick of them LOL

Enjoy your retirement!! I love stopping by your blog :)

Unknown said...

I never tire of those mile a minute blocks - always something new to spot in them

Linda (Petey) said...

The quilts from your 'stash' pile are so cheery and colorful. What kind of longarm do you have? How long have you been quilting with it?
Congratulations on you Blogaversary! Keep inspiring us...

Ginger Patches said...

I just found your blog and just in the nick of time too--hope I'm not too late anyway :) I can't wait to look around, looks like you've got lots of good stuff. Congratulations on 500!!

Floss said...

Love the Crumb Chaos quilts, I think I may also start to het tired of them after five quilts.

quiltmom anna said...

Hi Patti,
I have enjoyed reading your blog and seeing all your interesting projects and great organizing tips.
I hope that you continue to enjoy a wonderful fulfilling time quilting and doing all the things you like in your retirement. Happy blog anniversary!!
Regards from a Western Canadian Quilter,

Melinda said...

I love the crumb quilts and also the leftover quilt. Your blog is always such an inspiration.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Man - you've been putting your retirement to good use! You have been busy girl! Happy 500! And here is to another 500!

Anonymous said...

I am newer to blogging and I have enjoyed reading yours and seeing your beautiful quilts.

Happy Blogversary!

Maria said...

It´s been not long since I knew your blog, and everytime I enter in it you surprise me, congratulations for your 2nd anniversary, your quilt is gorgeous.
Love from

Yvonne said...

Beautiful quilt! HEY! We're almost neighbors--I live in Renton.

Gypsy Quilter said...

Am I too late? Goodness I love contests. I also love all of your mile-a-minute blocks. I'm so inspired to get more done myself after seeing everything you've accomplished!

atet said...

Congrats on your anniversary! I know I'm probably too late for the drawing, but I wanted to say wooo hooo! Love those chaos blocks, but I can see where you want to work on something else as well :0). Retirement sure sounds tiring!

Wendy said...

Congrats on the blogiversary. You are very busy in your retirement.

antique quilter said...

500 more I hope!!!
now that your retired seems like your MIA !!!!
did you get the package in the mail I sent you?

Darling Jill Quilts said...

Happy Anniversary!! And I just *love* your crumb quilts!

Finn said...

Hi Patti, it's Thursday...LOL. I just found your comment on the Train blog, and have gone ahead and used the pictures. Thank you so much *VBS* You really do provide lots of inspiration to all of us *VBS*
COngraulation on the 500th post and on 2 successful years in Blogland! Big hugs, Finn
P.S. Joseph's quilt looks gorgeous and hurray for camping quilts for the family!!!

Janet said...

Do you float your quilt tops on your long arm? How does that work for you? Also what Long Arm machine do you own?

Unknown said...

I'm new to your blog and live in Aberdeen, WA. I belong to TreadleOn and we are meeting next week at Quilting Delights in Portland on Friday Aug 15 and Sat Aug 16, from around 10 to 4. Drop by and visit us if you can. We sew on treadle and handcrank sewing machines. Sounds like you like history and we are all about that. Barb Shillinger