Sunday, September 23, 2007

Road trip

My friend Kim and I had a wonderful road trip on Thursday. Getting out of the house was "just what the doctor ordered" as far as I was concerned. We started out with breakfast at a little restaurant where Kim can get her favorite biscuits and country sausage gravy. I had an egg, two link sausages, and three dollar pancakes. Perfectly sized breakfasts found on their "early bird" menu.

Next we headed up I-5. Kim programmed our destination into her GPS unit and demonstrated how it worked. Pretty clever - but then for $400+ dollars it should be! Our first stop was Sisters Quilt Shop in Chehalis WA. A tiny shop that is completely stuffed to the ceiling with fabrics and more. You really need a shopping list before you go in - otherwise the choices are too overwhelming. They had a little Halloween wall hanging displayed in the window that I decided to get because the kit contained already cut pieces - except for the face. Since I can sew a bit but can't cut at all I figured this was something I could do. I've already placed the pieces on my design wall so they are ready to be stitched together. I also got two sizes of the new yoyo makers. I want to do some fabric garlands for our Christmas trees.

Our next stop was our ultimate destination - Carriage Country Quilts in Des Moines, WA. This was a top 10 quilt shop in the Spring 2007 issue of Quilt Sampler. I'd been there once over four years ago during a shop hop and have always wanted to go back. It certainly didn't disappoint. We were there for about an hour, and I found lots of things of interested. I walked out with the following in my shopping bag - a kit for a Halloween wall hanging all done in wool, a couple stitchery patterns, and a kit for the Winter Wonderland BOM stitchery quilt by Crab Apple Hill. I've been wanting to do a quilt combining stitchery and piecing, and since this was done in my favorite red and white setting I decided it was perfect.

Following this spending spree we stopped for lunch at a little place about a block south of the quilt shop. We each had a large crab salad - marvelous! It was piled high with six ounces of fresh Dungeness crab meat - pure heaven for the palette! OK on the diet too. What wasn't OK as far as the diet was concerned was the marvelous garlic cheese toast we had with the salad. Oh well, calories don't count on a quilt shop road trip, right?

On the way home we stopped at our favorite Momma Made It in Longview. Sharon was getting everything ready for her booth at the Portland Quilt Fest that opens this Thursday. We got a preview of some of her new quilts, and both Kim and I reserved a kit that we will pick up at Quilt Fest. I won't tell you more now as I expect to take photos and post about the Fest next weekend.

All in all it was a marvelous day. Yes, I probably spent more than I should have - I certainly didn't need the things I bought. But it was great medicine for me and helped me feel ever so much better. Now if only I'd get some range of motion back in my arm I might be able to sew more than 2" squares again!

1. A road trip planned by a Tangled Thread friend for a house-bound one wing quilter
2. A homemade lunch brought by a Tangled Thread friend
3. Pumpkin flavored coffee creamer is back in the stores
4. I'm all caught up on my blog reading!
5. Good health insurance


Anonymous said...

Winter Wonderland... I love that so much. I have the pattern, the floss, the fab. Only thing left to acquire is the time! Have you seen Robin's? OHMYGAWD it's wonderful. Anyhoo...

We'll be at Quit Expo on Thursday too! We HAVE to hook up! I'll know more later about what time we'll be there and all that jazz. A lunch bunch maybe?

FUNNY... my word verification is kgws. Oh so very Portland, eh! Must be a sign. :o)

Colleen said...

What a wonderful day you had. It sounds like any quilter's heaven. I'm glad for you since you needed something to lift your spirits being unable to quilt like you'd like.

CONNIE W said...

Sounds like a marvelous get-away day and the best kind of therapy. Lovely things in the photos! Hope you get better soon and back to normal.

sewprimitive karen said...

Your account of your day was great, wish I could have had those dandy meals AND also have gone to the shops, wow. And there's a Quilt Fest to come?? Love the Gourdys Gang.

Darlene said...

What a delightful day! I'm glad you got out of the house and enjoyed yourself.

jenclair said...

You do have much to be grateful for--loved all the gratitudes.

loulee said...

Thats quite a haul, I hope you get tp play soon.

Jeanne said...

Looks like you had a lovely excursion!
Do you know whatever happened to Pieceable Drygoods? I don't see their ads any more, and they used to have such interesting prim things.

Lynda said...

Jealous of your lovely day visiting various quilt shops, and your super Hallowe'en quilt kit. I have recently bought the Clover flower yo-yo maker. Only made one so far ( abit lop-sided) but thought it was very easy to use.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful day you had, just the best medicine for a one winged quilter.... Love the Winter Wonderland, I have it started in blues. You'll love doing it. Hope your day away has lifted your spirits for the rest of the week.

swooze said...

Nice loot! I love GOurdey's Gang". Thanks for sharing. I hope you heal quickly!

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh I have just loved that crab apple hill quilt evertime I see it, but I just am not going to start stitchery too or I'll never get anything done! But boy did you get some fun things, and your meals are making my mouth water!

Lily Mulholland said...

What a great way to spend your convalescence Patti! Great haul. Glad you've got a little project to get on with too!

Carol said...

I am so glad that you had such a great deserved it!

sewkalico said...

What a brilliant day out, it all sounded wonderful. I hope you heal soon so that you can make all your purchases. ps I love your blog.

atet said...

What fantastic finds -- I love those stichery patterns! I'll have to see if I can find them around here!

Suzanne Earley said...

I have a kit for that same Halloween wool banner with the pumpkins....I guess mine won't be done for hanging this year, how about yours? VBG