
Sunday, March 31, 2013

I think I bit off . . . .

more than I could chew, as my mother would have said, when I set my March goals.  I accomplished some, but quite a few are unfinished.  Over half of them.  I'm going to be more realistic from now on.

Goals I accomplished:

4.  I called the book reorganization finished because everything has been taken upstairs.  However, there are still many sacks upstairs full of books to donate, plus lots of romance novels still on the shelves.  I'm going to look at the bright side - everything I wanted to move from the sewing room is now on shelves next door in the computer room.  That's why I called it finished.  While making the move I decided I needed to simplify my book arrangement, which I just started yesterday.  That shouldn't be hard to finish in April.

5.  I have my ironing table and design wall cleared off for use.  This was essential, and was the first goal I finished this month.

7.  All four of the quilted quilts are now bound (but don't have labels yet - whoops!).  That was another important goal to finish this month.

9.  Finish one pair of socks.  I hoped to finish more than one, but I'm satisfied.

I could have accomplished more, but I got sidetracked by sewing.  ( That happens a lot.)  So I accomplished other things - just not goals.

What didn't happen:

1. & 2.  The longarm is still waiting for attention.  I've had to move many, many fleeces, etc. into that room to find fiber I must spin for a class I'm taking in a couple weeks.  I don't know why I keep postponing this - probably because I'm totally un-mechanical and am not looking forward to spending the hours this will require.  I find other things to do instead.

3.  Emily's quilt isn't finished.  This I'm not happy with.  I should have finished it this month.  The good news is that I've found the quilt backing fabric.  My first goal for April will be to finish it.  I'm going to take it to another longarm quilter this week.

6.  The Civil War diaries quilt got a little attention this month - sashing was chosen and the first row was sewn together.  I decided to sew a little quilt instead of making these blocks.  I'm OK with that.

7.  Emma's quilt is progressing - slowly.  It is the handwork I do at my Tangled Threads weekly meeting.  As long as it is progressing I'm satisfied.  But I'd like to have it done in April.

10.  I finished spinning 4 oz of fiber and started spinning another 4 oz.  I've not yet figured out a good monthly spinning goal.  I seem to be spinning only when I'm with my spinning friends - not doing any here at home right now.

So - I'm OK with not finishing 3 of my goals.  I'm not OK with not finishing the other two.  I'm definitely keeping that in mind when I write my April goals.

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