
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Block of the Month Projects - Patti Style

The more I thought about treating my long term appliqué projects as block of the month programs the more I liked the idea. It gives me good, doable monthly goals, resulting in the steady forward progress of multiple projects. I decided to prep only one or two blocks at a time - after all - when one is getting a BOM in the mail one receives only one or two blocks each month.

To the left you see the next 16" block for the mid-century album quilt. As there are two sizes of blocks in this quilt I'm going to shoot for one of each size each month. Tomorrow I'll prep an 8" block to go along with this one. This one isn't finished being prepped - there are still a few leaves and 17 grapes to go - however stitching of fruits below those need to be completed before they can be added. If you'd like to see the other blocks in this quilt, click here.

I've already prepped two identical blocks for the 2003-2004 Girl Gang quilt - they can be seen here. The next block for Times Remembered is in the previous post. I've decided that I will also prep a block for Celebration of American Life. The backgrounds for those blocks have been prepared for several years, so I decided it's time to really get started on that project.

I've listed these four Block of the Month Projects - Patti Style on my blog sidebar. I'm hoping I'm not taking on too much - I figure that's one BOM to focus on each week of the month. I'm calling the blocks I'm prepping now "December blocks", so I'm getting a head start. Hopefully that will leave me time for other quilty things - playing with scraps, quilting at least one of my own tops per month, and progressing forward on my other long term projects. I guess time will tell. I've decided the only yearly goal I'm going to set is the stashbusting goal - the rest will be monthly goals. Lots more to cross off that way - resulting in lots of satisfaction - and a clean slate at the beginning of each new month.

How does that sound? Anybody else like this idea? Do you think it will work? I sure hope so!

Now I need to head to bed. Another Joseph day tomorrow - a nasty bug sure has bitten his other grandparents, aunt and cousin so he's staying away until they are all well. That's OK - I have so much fun watching him!


  1. Great idea Patti, I think it sounds like the perfect way to tackle the blocks. Progress, and not daunting.
    Ohhh, and BTW, I love that block, the fabrics are just perfect.

  2. great block Patti, great idea too!
    I know I should be doing the same thing...following your lead I will be sorry when you finsih the girl gang quilt and mine will be still as a ufo!
    have fun with Joseph today

  3. Great idea, Patti. 'm trying to get my act together to do a BOM rotation also. Like you, I should take time to prep my December blocks. Always such incredible applique projects to see on your blog. :-) Enjoy your day with Joseph - he's such an adorable little boy.

  4. Such a great idea to prep a few blocks and have them ready. I have done that with my Pokeberry blocks and it makes the project feel manageable. Have fun with Joseph.

  5. I like your BOM approach. I'm going to look at my list and see if I can approach some of my projects this way.

  6. I like this idea, too. Thank you for sharing it. I already have one in mind to prep. I need to look at the kits I have to see if I can use a variation of this idea to get them done.

  7. Ha! I envy your organisation - and adore the colours in that applique - they glow like stained glass! Have a lovely time with Joseph.

  8. I think this is a grand idea. I need to get organised and then maybe think about something like this. Bite size chunks of any project once a month sounds excellent!

  9. I love this block! It would look great in my kitchen. Would you like my address? LOL!
