
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Stash report and more

Well, my no buy resolve certainly didn't last very long this time. Here is my report:

In - 10.5 yards plus one quilt kit
Out - Binding for Spring Trio and one applique block - maybe 1/2 yard total

So what was I thinking?

Well, first of all there are all the Dear Jane fat quarters. I resisted this line for quite a few weeks. And then I saw some Dear Jane blocks made from fabric reproduced from Jane's quilt. My resolve went out the window - my Dear Jane blocks had to include some authentic reproduction fabric! Of course none of my usual online stores had it - they'd sold out weeks ago. Quilt to the rescue! 30 Dear Jane fat quarters arrived in my mailbox yesterday.

Then Wednesday I attended my monthly Eileen Trestain class at Primitive Thimble. I've been very proud of myself - I'd attended class for months without buying anything. But this time class was starting late due to a mix up, so I had lots of time to walk through the shop. When I spotted the cheddar I new I had to have yardage - good cheddars are just too hard to find. And then this Cheri Saffiote Payne kit grabbed my attention. The price was good for a kit containing so much hand dyed wool - so I grabbed it.

And thus I fell off the wagon - big time!

So of course I had to do something to bust some stash. The five 1 1/8 inch strips I'd cut for the Spring Trio binding sure didn't amount to much. So I prepped another Times Remembered block. Now that I look at it I think my estimate was over generous. I imagine this block took closer to 1/4 yard total. OK - change that used number at the top of the post to 3/8 yard maximum.

And this doesn't even count the Judy Rothermel collection I ordered in a weak moment that hasn't yet arrived in my mailbox! And it's a good thing I've not pledged to stop buying books, as 5 more arrived in my Checkers business order!


  1. I too could not resist the Dear Jane fabrics as I have been trying not to buy new fabric.

    So far I've only purchased five quarters in November, but my local quilt shop is having a basement sale next Friday. I'm going to be in trouble.

    Love the Times Remembered block!

    Best of luck with your will power! I'm with you.

  2. Your block is wonderful. But about that stash busting ... you fell off the wagon big time!! LOL. I wouldn't have been able to resist those purchases! You did good!!!

  3. I have been looking at those books too. I have been able to resist fabrics without much effort since I am never in a quilt shop these days but the books - much harder. The wool kit is wonderful. EnJOY

  4. Quit beating yourself up! I'm sure you will use everything you purchased and need more. By the way, what is chedder?

  5. is this why I haven't heard from you ?????
    feel guilty buying all that fabric, hey its almost Christmas let Fred give it to you for Christmas
    would love to see more of those books you bought
    whats the Vintage Christmas one , by whom?
    and the one to the left of it, what book is that and why did you buy it????

  6. Patti,
    I understand completely - I went with my friend yesterday to 2 shops west of the city we live in. We usually go east but this time we went west- We decided not to go east as we had been there not long ago and spent a fair amount of money- I did well in the first store- spent about 15 dollars but oh did I blow it in the next shop- My best resolve is to stay home and pat the stash - However we did have fun and I am really happy with the pieces that I bought...
    Tomorrow is a new day...
    Your books look great too...

  7. I love the wools, There is no way I could commit to not buying fabric.

  8. Your Times Remembered is coming along GREAT... LOVE your fabric choices. How are you doing .. long time no chat.. hugs!

    pat sloan

  9. egads! Dear Jane fabric! I'm not even looking!
