
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Wasting time? I don't think so!

This is a day I really meant to focus on tasks at hand that need to be done. So have I accomplished that? Of course not! What have I done? A little bit of this, a little bit of that . . .
I looked at the clock at 6:30 or so. I really meant to get up. I really did. But the bed was so warm and comfortable. The next time I looked at the clock it was well after 8:00. It way have been after 8:30 - I can't remember. I got up and wrapped myself in my bathrobe, slipped on my slippers, and sat down at the computer with a hot cup of tea. I brought up Bloglines so I could continue to catch up on my blog reading.

The next thing I knew I was on my third or fourth cup of tea and it was after 11:00. I heated last night's leftovers for my breakfast-lunch and continued to read. I did start the dishwasher - does that count as cleaning? I hope so, as that's what I'm supposed to be doing today.

About 12:00 I decided I should take a shower. But first I came into the sewing room and stitched together the rest of the Pinwheel Daisy blocks. Whoops! One quarter of the last block is missing! I guess that's what happens when a UFO ages about 17 years between work sessions. Not a problem - I certainly have more unbleached muslin and 30's prints! I pressed all the finished blocks and pinned on the yellow centers ready for applique. Love this block - it was a great block for teaching curved seams. Gentle curves, a forgiving design that can be squared up easily without harming block integrity, and an appliqued center circle that hides any seams that don't come together correctly in the center!

Moving on - I certainly can't stop here to get in the shower. With the blocks nearing completion I need to choose a sashing color. I have some wonderful choices - I bought a bunch of reproduction 30's solids the last time I visited Anna Lena's. What to choose? Definitely a dilemma! Nothing to do but grab the new camera, take some pictures, then try loading the software and downloading them to the laptop. Mission accomplished! Check out the next post and give me your opinion - please! I can't figure out which one I should choose!

Enough pussy footing around - I have showered, dressed and dried my hair. There is now no reason whatsoever that I can't start on the house. After all, the tubs for the winter decorations have been out of the attic for over a week now, and I have lots of new Easter decorations to put out. So, is that what I'm doing?

Of course not! Now that I have new pictures I need to write a blog post. And I've not even cleaned my sewing room - it's worse than the last time I took pictures! Those of you who know me know how unusual this is. I guess it wasn't a good idea to take six to eight unfinished flimsies out of the drawers at the same time. I wonder if I can still tell which stuff goes with which?
OK - I guess I'll start cleaning now. But wait - the sun has come out and it's a beautiful day. I think I need to head to Starbucks for a frappachino first. Wouldn't you agree?
1. Retirement!
2. Grandchildren
3. My new camera takes great pictures!
4. An understanding husband who just wants me to be happy
5. Signs of spring popping up everywhere!


  1. You're getting the hang of retirement. That's my dream - to choose the activities I want to do. Sounds like a great day!


  2. What a great post! You've had a wonderful day doing what you wanted to do.

  3. I like your style! But you are still getting up too early for me. Your little 30's block is adorable. I think I prefer the lighter green sashing--it is so 30's to me.

  4. Sounds like you are really getting the hang of this retirement thing!!! LOL Enjoy :)

  5. patti, i LOVE the fancy 9-patch; the white shows it off beautifully! and your two g'children are Adorable! so glad joseph arrived, bet you all are too! He is a cutie for sure! keep busy, now...(tee hee)
