
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Joseph Pictures

So sorry - I just can't help myself. I'm such an excited Grandma! Rebecca sent us the first pictures they took of Joseph while they were in Guatemala last week. He is such a cutie pie. I apologize right now for being a doting Grandma - but I'm posting some of them. Not quilty but wonderful nevertheless!

Today I went to Costco and bought myself a new camera. This is not the time of life I want to be fighting with an unreliable camera! The next couple days will be busy learning to use it.


  1. This little man is destined to be a real charmer - he has mischief written right through him like a stick of seaside rock - what a sweetie - you must all be so excited

  2. No apologies needed for posting those fab pictures. He is truly gorgeous and no mistake. Such a cheeky smile. I think Grandma is going to get twisted round that little mans finger - lol !

  3. You post as many pics of that adorable little guy as you want! It's your blog. I'm always excited when an adoption takes place. We adopted people are SO blessed to be wanted.

    Caron in Michigan

  4. Your new grandson is gorgeous! And my goodness your daughter looks a lot like you!

    I will be in Bend and Portland this summer (don't know if you keep up with my blog at the moment, but my mom has breast cancer and I will be bringing the grandkids to her for some summertime grandkid therapy after her chemo is done!) maybe I'll get a chance to visit with you again this year!

  5. Don't apologize - he is adorable. What a smile he has! Hope he is adjusting well and settling in. I'm sure you will burn up that new camera in no time flat taking pics of him! Keep posting pictures and updates of him!

  6. Don't apologize on my account. Great pictures. They all look SO happy.

  7. Your what you want!! No apologies needed!

    I have been waiting for more pictures of this DARLING little man...that smile will knock your socks off for sure! what a doll baby Mr Joseph is.


  8. What a charmer! And what a joyous, loving family he's come into. Congratulations to everyone!
    (you might have been in trouble if you DIDN'T show us pictures!)

  9. Patti you know you never have to apologize for posting pictures of those grandbabies...that is our right as grandma's....the more the better. He is just precious and looks like one happy little boy.

  10. He looks happy and healthy and so much a part of the family. Thanks for sharing the pictures!

  11. Don't apologize!! Are you kidding, this is a big event!! Besides, adoption stories make my heart happy; my niece is adopted from China.

  12. Joseph looks like the sweetest little boy- just look at that big smile! You all must be so proud, just keep those sweet pictures coming, and have fun with your new camera!

  13. I thought grandbabies were for loving and taking pictures of. Keep them coming, hi is definitely a cutie. Looks like one happy family. J

  14. Post pictures like this any time you want--it is your blog. Besides the that, I think everyone loves seeing pictures of your family. And who can resist babies???

  15. OMG please don't apologise for sharing photos of a beautiful little person! What a gorgeous little boy. Enjoy him.

  16. What a happy little chap, you and your family must be walking on cloud nine at the moment.

  17. A proud Grandma you should be! He is adorable and so happy. I love his smile. Congratulations.

  18. Oh don't apologize for being a doting grandma! How wonderful to be able to share this wonderful little addition to your family.

  19. Ohhh Patti, what a dear sweet smiling face he has. I can understand completely that you're entirely charmed by him.
    Enjoy this wonderful time.

  20. Why would you even wish to try to resist? He's adorable and just so happy *s*

  21. Wonderful pictures, Patti. Love seeing and reading about peoples' grandkids.

  22. Good for you! Grandma always needs a camera (or two) at hand!

  23. Oh he is just such a sweetie pie - no wonder you want to share the pictures. His face just shines!

  24. Congratulations! He is so cute. Babies are so wonderful. Enjoy him and all the fun stages he will go through. :)

  25. Congratulations! Joseph is adorable. I'm so happy for your entire family -- and how nice that he and his cousin are so close in age!
