
Saturday, November 24, 2007


Eighteen pin cushions ready and waiting for the December guild meeting. I hope all the officers and committee chairs like these. They were lots of fun to make and I like how they turned out. All out of stash also! Except for a the crushed walnut shells that I finally found at the feed store. I'm not sure whether anyone in the guild reads my blog or not - hopefully not, so the surprise won't be spoiled.

Sure feels good to have this commitment completed!


  1. Ooh! That looks like a good something to do for my quilting buddies back in California. Do you have a pattern (or pattern source) you can share?

  2. These are so cute Patti! Crushed walnut shells? For the filling I take it!

  3. I agree your pincushions look cute. A nice surprise for quilting buddies!

  4. They look smashing all together - I'm sure your guild members will love them.

  5. They are very cute!

  6. Fun, where did you find the pattern, or did you create it?

  7. Like some of the others, I am interested in the pattern source. Also, stuffed with walnut shells? I have never heard of that. I have put lizard sand inside of pin cushions, but never walnut shells. Are you also stuffing with fibre fill? Excellent job in making these from your stash by the way!

  8. They're great. I hope you are taking it easy though!!! I will definitely get to the PO before we fly Wednesday - just had a crazy week ;-(

  9. That is a huge accomplishment...
    I'm sure the recipients will love them!

  10. What lucky quilters these recipients will soon be! They pin cushions look adorable. I'm sure they'll be a hit at the guild meeting.

  11. Lovely pincushion. I know I wouldn't have had the patience to make 18 of them - congrats to you :)

  12. The pincushions are fabulous. They're gonna love them.

  13. Like everyone else I love the pincushions and was wondering if you can share your pattern, pretty please!!!

  14. Great looking pin cushions! I also am curious about the source of this pattern and what you stuff them with.

  15. I am also wondering what pattern you used for the pincushions. I would love to make some. I love they way they all look together. How did your guild members like them?
