
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all

Today we will have both sets of kids here all day plus Sophie of course - I can't wait! People should start to arrive during the next hour or so but I wanted to post this quickly before they get here.

I've completely finished the two quilts that I quilted last Thursday - hooray! And I used up lots of short pieces of leftover binding so my drawer of bindings is empty except for a couple that are waiting for a specific project to be quilted. This means all my Hotel Hope contributions are finished and ready to turn in on December 6th. It gave me great satisfaction to cross these two off the list on my sidebar and add them to the completed total for the year.

In analyzing how I'm doing - now that the end of the year is drawing close - I've decided that I've done well and not so well at the same time LOL!

I've finished all but two of the new projects I started this year. That means I'll be adding only one new project to the list of UFO's for next year - the mid-century Album Quilt. I knew that would be a long term project since class goes through next March, so that is OK. The other one is Joseph's quilt, which will be quilted, bound, and labeled by the end of the year. This is what I count as successful - as most other years I've added considerably more to the UFO list.

The part that wasn't so successful was completing projects that were already UFO's at the beginning of the year. I finished only 6 of the projects that have been hanging around for several years, and gave another one away. That makes a total of seven - I was hoping to do at least twice that many! It's OK though - I spent time finishing what I started during the year and that's OK. There is always next year - when I should have LOTS more time - to finish more of these old UFO's.

For those of you who celebrate today - have a wonderful holiday!


  1. They both look great Patti. Nice to have them finished I'm sure.

    I also did so/so this year with UFO's. I finished some older things but I will be carrying over so finished tops from this year. I ended up doing lots of HeartStrings quilts so my focus was split between them and my UFO's.

  2. It seems to me that you've done a great job of attacking your UFOs and scraps this year. You should be very happy! I love of the quilts posted today. I never get tired of these string quilts.

  3. That is a very successful year if you ask me! I would be delighted to finish 6 quilts from my UFO list! Congratulations and those two string quilts are beautiful!
    I should borrow your idea of setting goals and making a list...maybe I would get more done.

  4. Wonderful quilts! Congrats on two finishes at this busy time of year :)

  5. Both quilts are just beautiful!

  6. I hope you and your family had a great Thanksgiving Patti. It is lovely to see the pictures of little Joseph - he sure is a dear little boy.

    You have accomplished a lot this year - considering how much time you have been out of commission because of your shoulder - and just think of next year - being retired, and what you will get done!! Congratulations on your retirement!!

  7. I'd say 6 quilts off of the UFO list is a good start -- and yep, lots more time next year when you are RETIRED!!! WOO HOOO!!!!

  8. Well done Patti - they look great! I think you've done very well, considering you've mostly been out of action for the last few months!

    Enjoy your last Thanksgiving as a working woman! It will be nice and leisurely next year :)

  9. I think 6 finished UFO's is great work! Hope you aren't aching as much now and feeling back to normal. Be kind to yourself.

  10. Beautiful, beautiful work as always Patti, and hope your day with family was great! Tracey

  11. One is better than none so 7 is fabulous! I only accomplished half of my goal. Keep at it!

  12. Hope your Thanksgiving was a special one *s *

  13. Gorgeous string quilts!! Hope you had a wonderful day.

  14. Congrats on your finished. I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving with your children and Sophie.

  15. Gosh, you have done very well for this year so far! Once you are retired ..... we'll be seeing a lot of quilts DONE!

  16. Wonderful quilts! Thanks for sharing.

  17. I love that other people besides me save their leftover bindings! *S* Great quilts!
