
Sunday, November 25, 2007

Another block - and a tasty dinner

I decided to allow myself a lazy day today. The last four have been wonderfully busy - so today I decided to rest. Instead of quilting my next project I sat in the sewing room and finished another block for my mid-century Album quilt while watching episodes of Little House on the Prairie. I always loved that show - and still do all these years later.

I have a pot of turkey frame soup almost finished on the stove for dinner - the one thing I did today other than sewing - and a loaf of honey wheat berry bread rising in the bread maker. Soup, fresh bread and leftover Thanksgiving fruit salad will make us a very tasty dinner.

Back to work tomorrow - for a full week. It's been some time since I worked five straight days in a row!


  1. The block is lovely. Glad you had a relaxing day.

  2. Hi Patti, just dropping in to say "hello" and see how things are going at your house.
    Love the did an awesome job on them...and soooo many!
    The string quilts that you just finished up are striking. I especially like the one with black. I often used the odds and ends of binding put together and love the effect. And, this gave me a laugh, it was a 'hint' in American Patchwork and Quilting mag last month...LOL. Seems the world might be catching on after all!
    Take care of you and that shoulder. You've done an awesome job of finishing things up this past year...high fives with the good arm for that one!! Hugs, Finn

  3. Very pretty block, Patti! I have to get the turkey soup thing going today and am wishing I had a bread maker for that bread of yours. Heaven forbid I do it the "old fashioned" way. LOL

  4. Mmmm - making me hungry! I love the leftovers!

  5. I wasn't planning a lazy day but after getting all my to-do list finished now, I've made some coffee and am going to catch up on some more blogs and enjoy some quiet time after having house guests over the TG weekend. I like some 'down' time, especially since I have a busy week ahead.

  6. great job on the block Patti! and those pin cushions are just adorable-glad to see you are pacing yourself..Thanksgiving sounded good.

  7. The block is very pretty. I've promised myself a relaxing day tomorrow after finishing up my QFAH top and getting the backing pieced. I think I'll try to finish my Holiday House.

  8. love this block Patti, and the fabric is to die for.
    Sure wish I would have a bought a bolt of that!
    glad to hear your feeling better.

  9. Wonderful block! So where's the recipe for the honey wheat berry bread?? Sounds delicious.Hope you continue to feel better.

  10. You do such outstanding work. I so enjoy looking at your progress.

    I know that you shared with me the instructions on your Nine Patch Christmas Quilt but I am not able to put my little hands on them. Could I impose on you to send them again?


  11. Oh Patti, the block is just gorgeous! The color and fabric choice is perfect for just this block. Did you pre-press the edges or do traditional needleturn? Which ever way, it just turned out perfect. I think this will be one of my favorites of your quilts.

  12. Your quilt block is stunning! I have been eating turkey carcass soup all week for lunch. So yummy, I never tire of it.
