
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Counting the minutes

No - not until retirement. :-)

Until I can head to Barnes and Noble to pick up the newest Harry Potter. When I get home there will be nothing else for me except for reading until I get to the end of the book. I promise I won't give anything away when I'm done!


  1. I'm sitting here at 12:40 PM waiting for USPS to deliver the book. It's not for me though. It's for my DS and DDIL. Although they have left for the weekend to celebrate their 1st wedding anniversary.

    Enjoy the book!

  2. I'm getting the book in about an hour. Don't know whether to have an all-night reading session. Think I'm getting too old for that though. Feel tired already and it's only 6.20pm - lol ! Hope I don't find out the ending before I read it !

  3. Got mine! I went about 10AM and picked it up. I was glad to see all the Dad's coming in with their kids to pick up the copies of the book.

    We're going tomorrow to see the movie again and I don't know when I'll start the book. It's weird, but I don't want to start it yet. I'll let it sit maybe until the middle of the week.

    Now I came to see if today was the day for getting your new cabinets?? Ikea day??

  4. Oh good grief you Potter People. My daughter stayed up all night and finished the book this afternoon! Hope you enjoy it as much as she did!

  5. My son bought his at midnight last night and has had the computer off all day so no one could send a spoiler! Mine should arrive by mid-week and I told DH I get it first because I read faster. =)

  6. Enjoy it! What a gift J.K. Rowling has. What a wild ride!

  7. My book came in the mail yesterday afternoon, but I am ashamed to say I haven't read book #6 yet! My son is soooooo disgusted with me! I bought him a book at the same time, so he can't be too unhappy with me, can he?
    I hope you enjoyed it, Patti! I turn off the tv if HP is being mentioned - I don't want to know how it ends!
