
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Mid-Century Album Class

I've been doing so much machine sewing of scraps lately that I really feel the need for something different. It is time to get back to my handwork. Many of you have heard me talk about the mid-century Album quilt class I'm taking. I had prepped 4 small blocks and finished one, but that was all I'd done. We've had five classes now - we are almost half done - and I had one finished block. So I've been working on the other three, and now four are done. So I spent Sunday and last night prepping more blocks. I have two more 8" blocks prepped, and three or four 16" blocks. Each of our classes has focused on a different category of blocks - trees, wreaths and rings, light and dark, diagonals, and flowers. There are at least 10-12 block patterns in each packet - choosing is so very hard! I want to make them all!

My finished blocks are three trees from the first packet and a crossed leaf design from the third packet. I'm so eager to get back to working on these! We have 8 different choices for layout - thank goodness we don't have to choose that right now! I really like three of them - I don't know how I'll choose. I knew I wanted one with both size blocks, which did help me narrow my choices a little. Please let me know which of these three layouts you like best.

Eileen Trestrain, our album class instructor, is eager to start a 19th century sewing circle that meets regularly for sewing and fellowship. She had the first meeting at her house on Sunday. There were about 10 of us there, and we had a marvelous time. Three people, including Eileen, were working on cream colored wool baseball uniforms - reproductions of baseball uniforms from 1857. Next Saturday at Ft. Vancouver they are playing an exhibition baseball game - 1857 rules. No sliding in the white wool - sliding then was not allowed because it wasn't considered gentlemanly behavior! There are brass buttons on the front of the uniforms - they look more like band uniforms than baseball uniforms. Others were doing hand applique, a couple were doing red work, and one was cross stitching tiny catalog numbers on items from the linen collection belong to the Factor's House at Ft. Vancouver. Eileen is in charge of all the textiles and costuming for the Fort - when I retire I want to become one of her volunteers. We had a delightful afternoon with good conversation and wonderful 19th century food items - bread pudding, brownies, snickerdoodles, fresh fruit and lemonade. Much of the food in the 19th century is exactly the same as what we eat now! We are meeting again in September - I'm looking forward to it very much.
1. Rain today bringing cooler temperatures
2. Fresh cherries
3. A clean house
4. New recipes to try
5. The scale creeping slowly downward



  1. As a newbie, I'd have to go with setting number one! Your blocks are very unusual, I've not seen any like that before.

  2. Patti I also vote for number 1! That sounded like an afternoon to remember. What a great thing to do. The baseball game will be quite something too!

  3. I think the layout with the half square triangles reads more as a Patti layout...

    (& I like it.)

  4. Patti,
    I'm going to have to vote for the #3 setting. It has sashing, which #1 doesn't and it's not as busy as #4.
    I'm catching up and of course your blog is one of the first I have to read.

  5. Well, out on the limb I go and vote for number 4...........

    I really like the HST borders.....

    It will be interesting to see what the blocks say to you when you get ready to assemble them.

  6. Your blocks are lovely - I really like the tree with the heart. I wish I still lived down there, as I would love to be a Ft. Vancouver volunteer!
    My choice is.......drum roll, please.......#4. I think it would set off the blocks without interfering with their simple beauty, and you can add all the colors from your blocks in the HST borders.
    Isn't the rain SO wonderful, Patti? I'm loving it up here, too!

  7. These blocks are so unusual. When you choose your setting I think it needs the HSTs or some colored sashing but then again hard to say without seeing all the other blocks yet.

  8. These are gorgeous--very striking and I vote for #4. Also, I would kill for a clean house but work keeps getting in the way of uninterrupted cleaning time when I might have the energy. I have started walking and have resolved to take the housecleaning by baby steps as well.

  9. Even though it's more simple I have to say I lean towards setting number 1...but maybe once they are done it would be neat to see what number 3 would look like. I think maybe #4 is too busy for me with all the HST's.

    BLocks look really good!

  10. Eileen is such an energetic go-getter. Things always seem to happen around her! I wish I could have taken that class with you, or join the circle. I love these old patterns and colors. Your blocks look great! I like the first setting. It's simple and un-fussy.

  11. I too have not been a good blogger and I am catching up with you! I love the blocks you are planning and the mile a minute obsession is a worthy one!! I have recently found myself in that mode. cutting scraps. Think some mile a minute is in my future!

    Good news about the future grandson! Hope things move quickly!

  12. Dang, you are having too much fun!

  13. hurray for all the sewing you have accomplished! and what a lovely Sunday sewing time you had-just your cup of tea! lovely to catch up with your blog and see what you have been busy with.

  14. I like one and four, but if I had to pick just one -- it would be #1. I like the simpler setting - I think it sets off the applique blocks better.

  15. Wow, so which layout did you decide on? I had such a hard time deciding. But I think I ended up like setting sugg #4 the best. Well that's not right, I love all 3, but I think I would do 4.
