
Sunday, July 22, 2007

Coming up for air

As it turns out I did a considerable amount of sewing after all this weekend. I had just finished the fourteenth chapter of Harry Potter when the phone rang. It was my daughter calling to tell us Rick had loaded the last book onto his Ipod so he could listen more easily when driving, and they wondered whether Fred would like to come get the CD's so he could start the book also. I asked him, and was surprised when he said no. So I told her I'd come get them for myself so I could sew while I listened. So I've been in the sewing room listening to Harry Potter and Fred's been upstairs reading. I finished the book shortly before 2:00 this afternoon. I finally made myself go to bed at 1:45 this morning, recognizing that there was no way I could finish it in one setting. I won't say a word about the book as I know many of you won't have had a chance to even start it yet.

I decided I didn't feel like doing applique while listening - instead I was in the mood for more mindless sewing. I meant to get out either the 2" squares or the string blocks. Much to my surprise I went back to the crumb bin where there were still many smaller starts of mile-a-minute blocks. Apparently I'd not had enough of them after all, and am even more obsessed than I previously thought. I've been making more Crumb Chaos blocks - this time using up every last piece that was more than a single crumb. I've no idea how many blocks I'm in the process of making - they seem to go on forever. I've reached the stage where at least half of them need only one more round before they are finished. I'm happy to say I've now emptied one bin of strips. I'm looking forward to finishing these - I think I am well and truly sick of them by now. When I'm done I should have enough for at least a couple Hotel Hope quilts in addition to the quilt for our bed.

Tomorrow is my only day of work this week - Tuesday I start a week's vacation. I'll be moving most of the things out of my sewing room on Tuesday in preparation for my new furniture. I can hardly wait!


  1. Oooh Patti you have been a busy little beaver! And new furniture - how exciting. I'm not surprised you've now had enough on your MAMs! Enjoy your holidays :)

  2. Anxiously awaiting the store opening and seeing your pictures....

  3. I hope you will give pictorial updates on your progress. I need some inspiration to get my area cleared out again.

  4. Hooray for vacation!!!! And the trip to IKEA - woohoo!
    I can't wait to see what you've been sewing - I'm sure it's all wonderful, and once again, I admire your stick-to-it-ness! You are a wonder!

  5. Good for you finishing Harry Potter. I won't start for another week or so...dragging it out I guess. Thanks for not revealing anything. I've had to doge the internet every time I go on.

    I am really looking forward to seeing all the stuff from Ikea..Can't wait!
