
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hotel Hope Quilts

Just a couple more pictures then I'll call it a day. I need to get to bed early as I've been unable to nap today in spite of being so very tired.

I took a picture of the finished sashed string top. I moved the coffee table, rocker and wing chair out of the way so I could lay it out flat, then I carefully stood on a dining chair to get the best shot I could. As it was I had to hold the camera above my head and guess at the centering. I took 8 shots and this was the best. (The dog wandered into a couple of them so that disqualified them right away.) I was afraid I'd fall getting down as my wool socks were slippery on the bare wood of the chair but I managed OK.

With the addition of a row of large blocks on both the side and the bottom it is now big enough. I decided not to put an outer solid black border on it because I didn't want it to be too big. Hopefully I can get this quilted and bound in the next couple weeks. I also have three tops done by others in the guild that I need to quilt. Hotel Hope is going to be a colorful place very soon!

The second picture shows the label I stitched onto the back of the Postage Stamp quilt. Our guild member with the embroidery machine is still trying out design ideas. We want to include the star block as it is the symbol for our North Star guild.


  1. I love the way the two sizes of sashing work, pulling the blocks into four patches before setting them all together. :-)

  2. I love the setting you chose for this quilt...makes me want to make one!

  3. I really love the setting for your string quilt!

  4. Looks great...the Hotel Hope will be just a wonderful place to stay with all those colors and all the love that goes into all the quilts.

  5. It really looks like stained glass windows now Patti - just fabulous and very modern!

    And I do love the backing fabric on the postage stamp quilt!

  6. The string quilt is gorgeous. I love how at first glance, it looks straight and traditional, but when you look again, the strings are all wonky and askew. Beautiful!

    Hey, be careful on that chair!

  7. I really love that string quilt! Especially with the black sashing and cheddar corner stones. And you should not be up on a wood chair with wool socks on girl.... Didn't your mother ever tell you not to do that!

  8. I think the picture turned out very well. I've done the over my head picture taking before too!

    Great designs and color for the Hope House!

  9. I agree with you - no more borders on the quilt. It is a beautiful, bright quilt and will being smiles to those who need them the most.
