
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My sewing room and stash

Suzette has suggested we talk about our sewing room/area and post pictures if we dare. It's been awhile since I posted pictures so I took new ones a few minutes ago. I didn't do any straightening up so you can see that I work fairly neatly. Clutter drives me nuts so as soon as it gets to a certain point I have to do something about it. It would look much worse if I were pulling fabric for a new project - right now the table is clear because I knew I'd need to stretch the top out to measure for borders.

The first picture shows the view looking inside the door. This is a small room - about 9'x12'. You can see my ironing board, the light box underneath it, and the stack or recent purchases waiting to be washed. My design wall is pellon fleece stapled all over the wall behind the ironing board - floor to ceiling. The bookcase holds novelties, florals, thirties repros and plaids, as well as odds and ends stuff I need within reach of the ironing board. Plastic shoe boxes of cut scraps plus all my rolled Baltimore Album patterns live on top of the bookcase. You can also see my TV/DVD player combination - a birthday gift from my DH.

The second picture shows the view from the ironing board. In the front is my featherweight that I use for all my piecing. The filing cabinet holds patterns as well as stuff I've saved from over 20 years of quilting magazines. The two sets of stacking drawers hold sewing stuff and part of my wool stash. Behind the chair were you can't see it is a short rolling set of drawers that I use for a portable pressing station and storage of stuff needed near the machine. When I'm sewing I roll it so I can just pivot in my chair to press what I'm working on.

The third picture shows part of my stash storage and my worktable. This also taken from the ironing board-bookcase corner.

The next picture is a view into the closet from in front of the filing cabinet. Two tall stacks of plastic drawers hold my "brazen hussies" - "haven't started yets" that are more than a year old. As you can see by the sidebar I have 50 of these - number 51 is the one I just bought this past weekend so it's not yet "brazen". Four tubs on the top of the drawers hold various widths of strips. This picture also gives you a better view of the tall bookcase of fabric. The blue box holds my strings, and under it out of sight are my two baskets of Jo Morton fabrics and my last big tub of uncut and unsorted scraps.

Here you see the stacking plastic baskets that line the wall between the closet and the drawer. They hold yardage that measures 1/2 yard and larger. I've had them for years, and they are starting to sag under the weight. I hope to replace them with more bookcases in the next year or two, as bookcases would be narrower - giving me more room to walk. I could also see the fabric better, as the front lip of the baskets hide the bottom fabrics in each of the stacks.

The last picture shows my worktable. It's gerryrigged from stacking plastic cubes I've had forever, two chip board risers I built from scraps, and the closet door sitting on top. It's just the right height for rotary cutting, and provides lots of storage underneath for tubs of scraps and drawers of current projects and HSY's. They also hold the magazines I've not found time to rip apart and file. I'd like to get a real cutting table someday that isn't as wide as this so I'll have more room to move. Right now there's about 14" clearance all around the table, and I have to get down on my hands and knees with a flashlight to find fabric on the bottom shelves.

You can certainly see why I am no-buy except for rare exceptions like this past weekend retreat. I do use my stash constantly however. I rarely buy anything for a new project unless it's an occasional kit. I love being able to pull fabrics for a new project whenever I want to, and not have to wait until the stores are open. I hope you can get some ideas from my pictures that will help you solve your own fabric storage problems - if you have any.


  1. I love looking at your room. Last time and this time! I always am amazed at how much you have packed in a room. I look and look and wonder why I can't seem to get more into mine! But not having the longarm, I have to have the bigger table for sewing so I can lay out that huge quilt to machine quilt it. But I am doing some renovating based on your shelves! I have a stack of open cubes that are going out and bookcases are going in for more places to put the fabric that's not so organized!

    Thanks again for the peek Patti! I think your room is the best planned out space I've seen!

  2. Marvelous - so organized and complete. There are a lot of great ideas to be culled from your space. Thank you for sharing the ideas and inspiring me to neaten up a little.

  3. Oh, Patti, what fun to see your sewing area. It all looks so enticing. And nice to get a glimpse of your beautiful featherweight cabinet again.

  4. I am looking forward to the day that I can come over and sew in your room!
    I will probably just walk around and admire all the fabric though!

  5. You are incredibly organized! I love seeing all of your fabrics neatly stacked in color groups. Very inspiring. Can I come and play?

  6. Awesome!! What a stash you have! I too cannot work in clutter (which may be one reason for my recent dry spell), and must keep it organized. You've done an admirable job! Thanks for so generously sharing.

  7. Wow Patti, you've packed a lot into your sewing room, and it's all so incredibly organised! Your stash is enviable, I'd be inspired every day by all that fabric ... Can I come over and play?? *s* ... it'd only take me a day to get there ... I'll bring cake!

  8. You have a great space for creating in. I'm like you, I can't stand clutter.

  9. Wow, you've really maximized your space. What a stash! Thanks for sharing! Keep well and happy quilting!

  10. I never tire of seeing your sewing area and stash - it's incredible. Great use of space!

  11. Ok..... I'm inspired. I'm in the middle of reorganizing my space and you've given me some great ideas! Thanks!

  12. I just want to come and live in your sewing room. I not only envy your stash but also how neat everything is.

  13. What an amzing sewing room....but you already know that! LOL I would be proud of that room if that was me too!
    Looks like you have a lot of stash busting to do! :)
    Thanks for sharing!

  14. I am so impressed! I love your cutting table with all of the storage down below. I know I need to do something with my room but knowing I will only be here for 18-24 months makes it difficult to get too excited about it...

    p.s great stash!

  15. Amazing stash, fantastic room- if my room is nicer do you think I'd make better quilts??? LOL

  16. Wow Patti, your stash is so neat...

  17. Oh look at all that beautiful fabric! And my husband was just saying how he couldn't believe I have so much stuff and I laughed and said I had NOTHING compared to a lot of quilters. He didn't believe me. Maybe I should show him all your fabric... mmm, but then maybe not - yours is at least neat! Mine a tornado just went through it!

  18. Wow! I will be ashamed to show mine but I am going to do it! DD and I will be doing a little clean out this week so she can fit in there too.

  19. Wow, it's nice that you get to live in your own little fabric shop! :) WOWEEEE! Can I come live with you?? :)

  20. I love the green wall colours, very uplifting. Your fabric is beautifully arranged, and you have used every inch of space so well. I'm full of admiration. Now I just need to get my space looking like that...

  21. What an amazingly organised space you have! Gorgeous - just absolutely gorgeous.

  22. Wow! What a workspace you have!!! Beautiful colors on the wall!! All that fabric....mmmm looks like a shop!!! You do create the most beautiful projects! Thanks for the encouragement on mine!

  23. Ok, can you do a Hellen Buttigeig routine on my sewing area???!!! (She's the "star" of an organizing show called "neat" in case you didn't know).

    I really like the table you have your FW in. . . is that something that you purchased or did you DH make that for you?

    Wonderful stash also!

  24. Very inspiring. Makes me realize that I need to buy more fabric. lol! Thanks for sharing your space with us!

  25. That's some stash you have there! Great use of space.

  26. OMG what a room. I have nothing compared to you. It all looks so organised.

  27. Man! What a stash! I am in awe.
