
Thursday, March 29, 2007

Thursday at home day

Just a short post to let you know I'm still here at home, but am finally starting to feel a bit better. I slept half the day yesterday so I couldn't go to sleep until after midnight last night - so of course I slept in until 10:00 this morning. Still trying to wake up!

We had great news from our daughter and son-in-law yesterday - All God's Children in Guatemala has placed a little boy with them. I have pictures but I can't post them. His name is Diogenes Santiago - he won't become Joseph Logan until they have him in their arms on the airplane coming home in 4-7 months. He was born on March 19th. He has LOTS of hair and is healthy. His Apgar score is somewhere in the 90th percentile. They expect to fly to Guatemala on April 12th to sign all the final papers and spend some time with him. I imagine they had lots of trouble sleeping last night. It's been along wait - they started the process on March 1st of last year.

So now it's time I get started on his quilt. I scanned the cover of the book so I could show you the picture. I'll make some changes as I want it bigger, and I know I won't put eyelet around the edges. They requested baby animals and color crayon colors - bright primary and secondary colors. I hope I can find enough of those in my stash - I don't have nearly as many as I thought I did. One of the pieces of blue Shadow Play that I bought last weekend will be perfect for the borders.

1. A baby for Rebecca and Rick
2. Starting to feel better
3. Paid sick leave!
4. A beautiful spring day outside
5. Lovely spring flowers



  1. Congratulations on your new grandbaby! How exciting.

    I'm glad you are feeling better. I slept a lot when I had that crud, too.

  2. Congratulations - what excitement there must be in your family.

  3. Congratulations - and how lovely for both your grandchildren to be born in the same year.

  4. what wonderful news! bet that made you feel better. and I love the quilt you have chosen.

  5. I am jumping up and down for very the quilt...can't wait to see what you do with it.

  6. Oh!!! Congrats congrats congrats!!!

  7. WOW - I love the string quilt~ hope you are feeling better and congrats on the new grandbaby - are we at 2 now ~ wonderful.

    I love your sewing room and your stash - I wanna come and play!!

    Feel better!

  8. Congratulations on becoming a Grandma Again!!!! Little boys are special. The quilt is a perfect choice....You've got so much to look forward too!!! Glad you're feeling better...

  9. Glad to see you are feeling a bit better! Take care and spil yourself a bit over the next days :o)

    Congratulations on the new grandson! How much fun that will be! And I guess he and Sophie will have lots of fun with Grandma over the years to come :o)

    Have fun making the baby quilt - it looks like a fun sort of pattern :o)

  10. Welcome to Joseph when he arrives and a new cousin for Sophie - they will be such partners in crime in the years to come - what a lovely family time for you

  11. Congratulations on your new grandson!

  12. Oh, that is wonderful news about Joseph! I hope my husband's niece gets similar news soon! Love that baby quilt book, may have to hunt it down. Glad you're feeling better. Take it easy this weekend.

  13. As a parent of two adopted boys, I know your excitement. That feeling of being "special" never goes away - my heartfelt good wishes to Rebecca and Rick. We still celebrate "happy day" (the day they came to live with us) with my guys (now 25, 23) and it is as special their birthdays. Their "adoption" stories are fun and they still love to talk about how they came to us. Enjoy enjoy enjoy!!!

  14. Hip, Hip, Hooray! Patti, that's so exciting! Congratulations to you and yours.

  15. So good that you are feeling better.

    Grand children are just the best and here you will add have two in a short time. Congratulations.

    Instead of eyelet, how about the really big rick rack sewn in to give it a different edge?

  16. Congratulations! I have an adopted niece and nephew...they are a special part of our family.

    Love the quilt.

  17. Oh Patti! What wonderful news! And I love the baby animal quilt! What fun that will be to make! And how exciting for everyone!

  18. Congrats to the kids!! I hope the process goes smoothly for them. Can't wait to see the next grandbaby creation!

  19. What fabulous news in your family Patti! Hopefully the time will pass very quickly!!

  20. Congrats on the newest addition to your family! I can't wait to see the quilt you make for him.

  21. That is wonderful news about the imminent arrival, I'm so excited for you all. I love the book, I imagining the most gorgeous quilt from it.

  22. congratulations on the wonderful news!! I like the quilt you have chosen to make for him.

  23. How wonderful! A Crown Prince soon to join the Crown Princess. What a year this is turning into for you!
