
Friday, January 26, 2007

Well, what do you know

If I could have been patient just 13 days longer I could have saved myself the time it took to create my new blog. I wanted to check something on my old blog, and in the process of trying to sign in discovered that they were finally ready to convert it. So both my old blog and my new blog are now "new blogger" blogs. Live and learn I guess.

The good news is that all you folks out there who haven't been able to switch because your blog plus comments was too big - try it again and I bet you'll find it works this time!

What I wanted to check was the number of posts. A total of 264 on the old blog and 26 on this one. If I eliminate the duplicates then that's over 270 posts. And tomorrow is my blog-anniversary. I never thought I'd have so much to say in a year's time! Or that I'd make so many wonderful new friends though sharing my quilting. This has truly been a marvelous experience, and I hope it is still just beginning.


  1. Well, let me be the first to say, "Happy Blogiversary" to you!

  2. Happy blogoversary! It's been fun getting to know you, and see the wonderful things you are working on. Sophie's quilt, for instance - stunning!

  3. glad it finally changed everything for you... and hey, now you've got more options about what to do with two active blogs :-)

  4. 270, that's alot of typing! I like it when bloggers post more frequently rather than less. Be sure to back it all up somehow so you have a permanent journal for the years to come.

  5. Yikes -- I went over and tried my old one and it changed right over, too!!! I think I'm just going to proceed with the new one though, and keep it linked back to the old one.

    Happy blogiversary!

    Jeanne :)
