
Friday, January 26, 2007

A little bit of everything

Let's see. It's hard to know where to start first! I guess I'll start with our son and daughter-in-law Jeremy and Chelsea. Chelsea is wearing black so it's hard to see "Sophie" in the picture but she is definitely there. They liked the quilt very much, and have promised to actually use it. Chelsea saw the doctor yesterday and he was surprised to find that little Sophie just might arrive sooner than expected. We told them we want a call as soon as they get to the hospital - even if it's in the middle of the night. I can't imagine new grandparents that are more excited than we are!

Last night was our last class for the early 19th century medallion series. Those of you who've been reading my blog for awhile will remember me talking about this class when we first started. Our instructor is Eileen Trestain, a certified quilt historian and appraiser and expert in fabric history. She's written two books on fabric dating, and we are so lucky she lives here in town. I've posted a picture of my medallion, which hasn't progressed any farther as I had to stop to make Sophie's quilt. It still needs three borders. At the last class instead of receiving the brown paper wrapped kit we got to choose 3 yards of a selection of chintz and large reproduction florals. In the picture above you see Eileen on the left cutting my selection and one of the other students on the right. The next picture is my friend Liz looking at her choice for her border.

Tomorrow is scrap cutting day with my blogger friend Cher. This is the second time we will have gotten together to cut scraps. Hope it's as productive as the first time. Here you see the task I have ahead of me. I weighed these two boxes and found I have about 36 pounds of fabric here. If I remember correctly 4 yards of cotton fabric weigh a pound. Please correct me if I'm wrong - at the moment I can't find any of the places I think I read that! If that is true then these two boxes contain about 136 yards of scraps - that's after I took off a couple pounds for the boxes. It's almost as much as Jeanne has in her two garbage bags! Jeanne says she is scaring herself - I'm right there along with you Jeanne! There should be at least 10-15 scrap quilts lurking in these two boxes! I seriously doubt that I have enough room in all my plastic drawers and boxes of strips, squares, triangles and bricks for everything here. I need to get sewing - quickly!

1. A sewing weekend has begun
2. Crisp blue skies after the fog cleared
3. Quality sewing time with friends
4. Oodles of scraps for quilty play
5. Chocolate covered pretzels



  1. I'm so glad that your son and daughter in law liked Sophies quilt and will use it when she arrives.

    You certainly have lots and lots of scraps. Have fun with Cher cutting the scraps. Do you have any idea what quilts or blocks you will be making with the scraps?

  2. may your ruler be true and your cutter sharp :-)

  3. Wonderful scraps...can't wait to see them all cut up. Lots of scrap quilts in those boxes of fabric just waiting to be made.
    I am telling you this grandmother thing is just about the most wonderful thing you can even imagine.I am having such fun here in Chicago. Oh how I wish we were closer together. There are just too many miles between us.

  4. Such a cute couple! And the quilt is pretty too. I made a serious dent in my 'darks' scrap bucket. It's all fluffed up and only 1/4 full! Yay! Enjoy your cutting weekend.

  5. Sophie's quilt looks wonderful.

    So they just changed your blog over, after all that? Interesting.

    You have chosen the fabric I would have chosen for your 19th century quilt. I just love it.

  6. You will have to share your technique for approaching a box of scraps of various sizes like that. I think we all have those in our studios! I am curious too, what ideas you two will come up with for quilt tops made from those scraps. Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Another fun day with scraps and Cher - you two have fun!

    Nice to see your son and DIL with Sophie's quilt - it's just gorgeous!

  8. hope you have fun cutting up those scraps - the task sounds quite daunting but how fun to have someone to do it with you
    congrats on getting that baby quilt done - what fun you have ahead of you with that little baby to cuddle

  9. So exciting at your house, noting like a new baby to love and spoil!! I envy you that quilt course, looks like a really good one. And all those scraps!! Wow- you'll knock out some really good quilts from that, have fun with Cher.

  10. Jeremy and Chelsea look so happy with Sophie's quilt. I think all new and old grandparents get excited when a new baby is due. Sophie will be here soon so hang in there.

  11. Sophie's quilt is lovely! Is Jeremy tall or is Chelsea short?

    Loving the medallion project ...

    Say hi to Cher -- have fun you guys!

    Jeanne :)

  12. Another little visit just to say Hi as I work my way through the Stash Quilts Ring. Have a great day!

  13. The fabric is just yummy!! Sophies quilt looks great in front of people and either your son is very tall or your DIL is a tiny little thing! Or both!

    She looks good and the baby looks ready to arrive soon!! It's scary when you start to add up all those numbers huh? Best not to do it...just sew!

  14. Sorry you went to all the trouble of starting a new blog Patti, but here we all are posting anyway!

    Congrats on Sophie's quilt - it is a real stunner and she will adore it when she's a little girl.

    Enjoy your cutting!

  15. Sophie's parents are a great looking couple and they look awful proud of that beautiful quilt! Congratulations, Grandma!

  16. Love your medallion quilt -- the class sounds so interesting and fun.
    Tubs of scraps . . . we all have them to one degree or another. Can't wait to see what you make of yours.

  17. Good luck with the marathon cutting session! I can't wait to see the quilts you are going to make from those scraps.
