
Friday, August 4, 2006


I'm happy to report that I've finished cutting up the last smaller tote of scraps (right now I'm going to forget that the two huge totes exist). I couldn't resist taking a picture of them all lined up ready to put into their respective boxes.

And I just couldn't part with even the tiniest piece of fabric, so I made a muslin sack and put all of the little bits into it. I also put lots of little scraps of batting too. I think it is full enough. I'm going to seam the end shut, manipulate it to distribute the scraps evenly, then put on a quick cover in a more durable fabric. Presto! A pillow for Shadow (the dog) that's all his own. I hope he'll love it and start leaving our pillows alone!


1. Fresh corn on the cob for dinner
2. Soft, fresh sugar cookies
3. Gandalf, the Proto Stitch Wizard (my longarm)
4. A good doctor's report for my daughter-in-law
5. #36 on the waiting list for our daughter and son-in-law



  1. What good progress you are making cutting through the scraps. Very clever too to save the bits for a dog pillow---hope the strategy works!

  2. Good job - that is something that I need to do. What sizes did you cut?

  3. Great idea on the dog pillow. I might just have to follow you lead and make a couple for our dogs. Thanks for the idea. You certainly have been busy cutting.

  4. For the dog pillow, make a run by your pet store and get a cheap bag of cedar shavings to mix with the scraps - they sell it for hamster bedding, but it'll also work as a bug repellant for the dog pillow too, and keep the raggy filling from forming a solid, heavy lump.

  5. That is a very neat pile of scraps. Mine get tossed in the string box(es) rather than cut into squares.

  6. COngrats on getting those scraps all cut up and what a great idea for the dog pillow! I may just have to use that one but then again our dog already has three pillows of his own. LOL!

  7. Your persistence in getting your scraps all cut up and organised is just so admirable! I love the way they even look so neat and tidy there on the table. I would love to take a leaf out of your book!

  8. Great job on getting your scraps! I was filing away some paperwork and found a box of scraps I forgot I had! Boo! Now I have some inspiration from you to get them cut up and put away.

  9. way to go with the scraps! I echo forestjane about the cedar chips, well worth it...

  10. Terrific job with the scraps. They just look so happy now -- all neat and organized on the table. It's gotta make you smile.

  11. Patti
    you are amazing with this scrap fest you have been having - I am so tempted to start cutting up my more raggedy pieces into scraps but I am going to resist for now since I just got all of my fabric refolded - for now at least

  12. High fives on a good job well done Patti!! How wonderful to just begin right at the stitching point without having to cut up scraps..*VBS* That alone is worth the effort.
    Love the idea of a pillow for pooch...good thinking! Hugs, Finn

  13. Oh my lord! That is the most impressive sight I have ever seen. Anyone who says you can't do anything with scraps is wrong!! Those are so tidy and ready to jump together in some fabulous quilt!

    Great Idea for the dog pillow...but that purple looks wide enough for the strip bin!!

  14. Great job on the scraps. I'm going to print off your information on the sizes, as well as Bonnie Hunter's. Now that you have them cut by size, do you also divide these by color?

  15. great way to use those scraps and not have to cut them!! i love shadow's bed!! you have inspired our guild to add a "stash management" nite to our schedule. we will get togther this winter with our totes of scraps and cut them up while we gab!!!

  16. Oh, those stacks look so nice and neat and organized! I'm so, so jealous.

  17. Oh all those piles look so nice! I just think about it! Love looking at yours though!

  18. I love seeing neat stasks of squares and rectangles... So inviting!

  19. hurray for you! good job on staying with that task-I have yet to touch my scrap bin from when we cut together :-)
