
Saturday, August 5, 2006

A good quilty day!

I accomplished a lot today, and I'm heading for bed satisfied with all I did. I finished the back for Broken Dishes and it's waiting to be loaded on Gandalf as soon as the customer quilt is done. I've loaded the customer quilt and done the first pass of the pantograph. It's a very complex pantograph so one pass takes quilt a while. I stopped because it was getting too hot upstairs - I'll finish first thing in the morning.

I escaped the heat of the upstairs by taking refuge in my sewing room downstairs. I cut the two July blocks for the Jan Patek mystery and stitched them together. The block is called "Devil's Claw". I've not ever done this block before. It went together very easily and I really liked how it turned out. I may have to do a whole quilt of these some day. That catches me up on this project because the August block won't come until almost the end of the month. Tomorrow I'll do the two pieced blocks for Heirloom Stitches and prep the appliqué block. I'll also load Broken Dishes as soon as the customer quilt is done. It's supposed to be hot again in the afternoon so I probably won't get much quilting done on it. If I finish the piecing and it's too hot upstairs I'll spend the rest of the day doing appliqué on It's a Wonderful Life.

I even cut up all the scraps leftover from the two Devil's Claw blocks. I want to keep up with scraps now so all I have left to deal with is the two giant totes. One of these days . . . . All this cutting has made me realize that I don't want to do any more BOM's - at least not for a long time. I just want to use my own stash. I've used my owstashst for It's a Wonderful Life, but the other two have come with fabric. I justified it because it was such a good price - besides, it was the only way to get the pattern for the mystery. Right now I'm not planning on doing any more BOM's until I get lots and lots of my own quilts quilted and many more UFT's into finished tops.

At least that's how I'm feeling at the moment . . . . Hopefully I can hold onto this thought more than a day or two!


1. Quilty progress
2. Safe trip to the beach for my kids
3. Cool breeze coming in the window - finally!
4. A finished quilt back
5. Baked potato chips and cheetos



  1. Ah, Cheetos as a gratitude, you're my kinda gal!

    I like those devil's claw blocks too - especially the way they meet in the middle. :)

  2. Have you tried the 100 bags of Cheetos...I love them. A bag of those and a glass of Merlot was a gratitude for me yesterday. Love your blocks! What a wonderful day you had :)

  3. It's early...I meant 100 calorie bags :)

  4. Lovely blocks Patti :-)
    I wonder why these got their name. I only see 5 stars when I look at them. Noting close to devils ;-)
    You are so good at cutting up your scraps - a true example.

  5. Very interesting blocks. I always wonder where our quilting ancestors got the names for the blocks.
    I'm with you on the no more BOMs. I just have to finish the Harvest Spice one I'm working on now.
    Good luck with your scraps. I printed off your sizes, and Bonnie's too. It just makes sense.
    What panto have you chosen for the Broken Dishes?

  6. ooooohhhhh...cheetos...I miss them!!! I always bring some back from the States when I visit - crunchy variety of course!

    I like the Devils Claw blocks too, and am very impressed with your scrap organization progress!

  7. Anyone who knows what a blessing cheetos are...can't be all bad. This is one of those postings that I want to read over and over again. You've had such a could day. Lots of fun stuff done.. I bet you slept well last nite...

  8. Pretty blocks. I'm really enjoying following the various mystery quilts on the ring; never have done one before.

  9. Well done for accomplishing so much. Your blocks are very nice.

  10. Those devil's claw blocks are nice, what size do they finish up as?

  11. As soon as I saw those block pictures I, I could make these into a whole quilt top several different ways!! Then I read what you wrote! I saved your picture and I might have to play this week with that block.

    I also wanted to say that I went through the whole Va quilt book yesterday and it is fabulous! The quilts are simply amasing and I have about 5 that I put sticky notes on to do for myself. The patterns are just wonderful! If you order this book you will NOT be dissapointed. The stories are just as wonderful as the patterns!

  12. each time I visit your blog I am so amazed at the work you do - and I know you work outside the home too - just so inspiring for me to hear and to think about how to better use my hours so that I won't always feel like I have to play catch up. thanks so much for your great posts!

  13. These are great blocks. I've never made the Devil's Claw blocks, either. It'll be on my "someday" list.

  14. way to go keeping up with the scraps! That's the attituce :-)

  15. Those blocks are very nice - nice pattern, and your workmanship is excellent!

  16. Your Devil's Claw blocks turned so very nice. It is a pattern on my "Someday I will get around to it list."

    Cheetos -- mmmm. They are so good. I love to share them with Harper. I toss in the air, she catches. Such a fun game.

  17. Hi Patti, way cool to be sooo caught up, but you deserve lots of credit because it doesn't just "happen". You did the work, you get the rewards!!!
    Your Devil's Claw look good. It's not a block I like much, but you did a great job with them. It might be fun as a scrap quilt with a uniting factor or feature...*VBS*
    Enjoy yourself...cheetos indeed..all good!!

  18. I love that block - it is very cool - I can see how it would be an easy one to complete - but still look difficult.

  19. Your Devil's Claw blocks look wonderful! As always!
