
Friday, August 4, 2006

Personal Challenges

Wow - people are challenging themselves all over quilting blogland! Vicki in California started it all by issuing a challenge to herself and others that there be no fabric buying in August. A bunch of us jumped on that bandwagon, then Hanne went farther by challenging herself to a daily hour of "Do it Now". Others have added no buying of books - I can't remember who all did that. Now Mary is challenging herself to not start any new projects. I think this is catching - spreading like wildfire - which in my mind is a good thing!

I'm no different than the next quilter - excitement about doing something is contagious. So I'm going to issue a challenge to myself. It occurred to me to do this when I was changing some things on my sidebar and noticed my huge list of tops waiting to be quilted. There is absolutely no reason why that many are still there, other than the fact that I've just not done them. I've chosen to piece and appliqué instead. So I'm going to be bold and challenge myself to quilt 5 of those this month. That's a real stretch goal for me, as I don't have that much time. But there are at least three of them that I can do pantographs on, which should be fast. And several of them are quite small. So here's hoping that you'll see six more crossed off as "Completed" by the first day of September. I figure if I put this out here publicly I can pretend you are all holding me accountable for this, and it might actually happen. The only big "wrench in the works" out of my control would be if I get in a bunch more customer quilts. I guess if that happens I won't complain. I know I have one coming tonight that must be finished by Tuesday. Thank goodness it's only 53" square and is being done with a pantograph!

I also took a look at my 2006 goals. Hmmm . . . probably no one remembers that there used to be 4 goals there. I took one of them off by the end of February because I'd already failed miserably. Now I can't even remember what it was! The first goal of turning friendship blocks into tops is really lagging behind - only one done. I have a sneaky feeling that may be the only one that actually gets done - there are too many other things needing finishing that are calling to me. The second goal is probably not going to happen either - unless I can count the fact that I sold and gave away all that fabric last month. I don't know why I keep setting this goal - I never make it. Maybe when I retire. It's certainly not from lack of wanting to sew! The last goal I've already reached - hooray! One out of three isn't what I'd hoped for, but it is certainly better than it might be. I'm pretty sure that I'll have crossed off more than 10 by the end of the year.

I've sure been chatty lately with long posts. Now I think I'd better get back to work, as I'm sure my 15 minutes break time has passed.


  1. Patti, I absolutely LOVE YOUR BLOG!! You always provide some food for thought and great ideas for quilting, using scraps etc.

    It's funny you should mention your tops to be quilted. I actually notice that on your blog yesterday!!. Good luck with your 5 to be quilted this month. You seem like a very organized quilter. I'm sure you can do it!! ( if you don't sleep!!) LOL

  2. Hi Patti, it's sounding good to me. I'm not going to add any quilting to my list of "need to finish", but it wouldn't be a bad thing. I'm happy to see that you have more than I do(I think..LOL) I know at one time or another, I had 23 on hangers. Some had been hand quilted or utility quilted, some went off to be LA'ed, and many still remain on hangers or in boxes. I suppose I could stir myself to actually gather them into ONE place and count them...LOL..what do you think..???LOL
    With the LA there, even tho time is limited I'm sure you can make a dent in've done soooo well with the scraps. I still have some of that cutting ahead of me. IT's been good to see you posting, and making such progress, keep up the great job! Love the books you mentioned (I have each and every one of them, and also Roberta Horton'sThe Art Of Making Do (book) about scrap that one also. Hugs for a good weekend, Finn

  3. ditto the 15 minute break... (I have to set the timer & I had stay late/come in on the weekend to do work, when I "thought" I knew how much time 15 minutes was...) It is not after my dismissal time, so I can take more time - I also come in early for the same reason!

  4. How much do you charge people to quilt their quilts for them?

  5. great job on getting the UFOs done.... that is a big job there!! the other goals will get there - have faith!

  6. sounds like a great focus for the month... regardless of how many get completed, you'll have gained :-)

  7. Read today and yesterdays posts with interest. Good luck with your goals this month. Will be back to see your progress.

  8. Wow - good luck with your challenge of getting 5 quilts quilted! I can't wait to see them done! My goal this month - to just touch my machine if I can find time!

  9. you know Patti, I think goals for one day are more practical than long term goals. Sorta the day by day thing. No fabric purchases today !

  10. First - all the photos of great scrap quilts made me visit my book shelf and enjoy Quick and Easy Scrap Quilts again. I always find some great quilts in that book.

    Second - you are doing so great on cutting up your scraps for future great quilts

    Third - yeah - we are setting great goals, eh ? ;-)
    Making my goals public makes them easier to do.
    It is good with company.
    I am sure you can do your five quilts in August, and if you can not you have been making great steps in the right direction.
    Go Patti Go !

  11. I like your personal challenge Patti! and I will encourage you to work towards it- you could always tell customers that you are booked until the end of the month! they don't have to know it's your personal quilts that are the booked ones!
    love your posts...

  12. Let's see, if you are finishing five quilts a month, that's a little more than one a week, so you should have one done by now, right? That's a great goal, good luck on completing it. I like your scraps all neat and cut and organized that way. Looks very good. It's like they are begging to be made into a top!
