
Friday, January 17, 2014

January knitting

Thank you for all the nice comments you readers sent.  I will strive to write a post here and there so if you are interested then don't take my blog off your blog reader.

Here's the knitting I've done in January.  Still going strong.  I'm filling a big basket of gifts - fingerless mitts and cowls - to take to my local Starbucks baristas who take such excellent care of all my coffee needs.  Quite a few of these are knit from my handspun yarn.

If you are interested in more details you can check the individual project pages in Ravelry for pattern names, yarns, etc.  I will create the pages in the next couple days.  My user name is hardenbrookgirl.


  1. Wow! What lucky baristas. Your creations are wonderful. Did you make them all during January?

  2. You might not have done much quilting lately, but man oh man, have you ever done LOTS of knitting. They're beautiful!

    Susan in Texas

  3. what beautiful work and such an amount accomplished in such a short time....thanks for showing

  4. Wow! You've been really busy! They're beautiful! Love the colors!
