
Monday, July 1, 2013

Tour de Fibre - Day 3

Another hot, muggy day.  I finished quilting the center and one short border of the Jo Morton four-patch.  By then my hands were hurting, telling me it was time to stop quilting and give them a rest.  I marked the other short border, then set it aside for later, not wanting to do the math required to fit the stencil to the long sides.

I spent some time catching up on blog reading the rest of the morning, but I still have a LONG way to go to get caught up.

I  brought the plastic bag containing many small Jan Patek quilt kits down from upstairs, and started tracing applique pieces.  When I finished each packet I cut out the freezer paper templates then turned on the iron just long enough to press the templates to their respective fabrics.  When finished I turned off the iron and cut out each piece.  The pieces were carefully folded inside the pattern pages, the fabric scraps behind, and everything tucked back into the kit envelope.  I completed two, and have the paper templates for a third kit ready to iron onto the fabrics tomorrow.

Here are pictures of the two that are ready to go, and the third that is almost ready.  The first picture doesn't show the entire quilt, just the center.

I realize it is now July, and I've not yet done a "goals" post.  I'll do that tomorrow.


  1. The prepared applique projects are so fun. Nice conservative use of the iron! I month or so ago, the AC was out in our upstairs--where my sewing room is--so I was utilizing the same "keep cool" techniques.

  2. I love those Jan Patek pieces...mine is still languising in my closet....(this box is black and I can't see what I'm typing--so please excuse any errors!) Hugs, Julierose

  3. Those are DARLING!!! I have to admit I don't even own one of Jan's patterns!!! Hmmmmmm, I think its time!
