
Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I accomplished a lot quilt-wise in June.  I am very happy with all I got done.  Nevertheless, I didn't accomplish 5 of my 9 goals, and only half accomplished another.  Obviously I grossly overestimated what I could get done this month.

When I think about setting July goals I just feel tired.  For once I have no idea what I want to work on.  I think it is probably the heat making me feel like this, as it really isn't like me at all.  Today is to be another hot one, and then temperatures are supposed to start dropping back to normal.  I'm looking forward to that.  So I'm setting one broad goal for the month and calling it good.

"By the end of July I will see progress made on many new and ongoing fiber projects."

How's that for vague?  Just what I feel I need this month.  I know I will be sewing, quilting, knitting and possibly spinning.  I just don't know what yet.  And that is good enough for me.


  1. Hah! I love it! Committing to a non-commitment.
    What gets done will be just what you committed to!

  2. I love your July goal! I am just putting out fires, finishing quilts that are due or on a deadline. Tomorrow will be spent sewing on a border.
    Lots of other things going on this month, so you deserve a broad goal for the month.
    So do I.

  3. Okay, maybe I shouldn't be asking this, but why do you need to set goals if it stresses you? I've been following your blog for a long while, Patti, so not a newbie (but mostly a lurker!). You accomplish a great deal and need to apologize to no one. Do what feels like fun! If it doesn't, don't do it. If it is already started, give it away. Retirement is fun! Enjoy!! Just say in'...;)

  4. I like your vague goal! I've been setting goals and not meeting them, but I think it's just as much fun to think about what the possibilities are, and even the most goal-oriented crafter needs a few months like this! Have fun!

  5. Sounds good to me - we'll both be having a more relaxed July!
