
Monday, March 4, 2013


You may have noticed I've renamed my finished tops.  Forgetfulness is a creeping certainty.  I'd forgotten all about this "name" for UFO's.  I think "Works in Slow Progress" describes them much better.  These aren't projects that have been stuffed away for years - they are complex projects that take a lot of time.  (Why oh why do I keep starting projects like this?  In April I'll start another one with the Kim McLean pattern.)

That long list was a bit daunting, and then I thought of Ravelry.  If you are a knitter you are probably familiar with Ravelry.  On the project pages there you can label a project as "hibernating".  It doesn't mean you won't finish it - it just means you aren't working on it in the present.  So I decided to put some of my WISP's into hibernation.

Why does moving projects around on lists make me feel so much better?  I don't know - I just know it does.

I'm curious how many WISP's you all have.  Long, complicated projects you will finish eventually.  Please leave me a comment about your WISP's - what are they, how many do you have etc.  This will get us closer to the prize drawing!

(Wow!  I guess hibernating doesn't have a "y" - I spelled it wrong  FOUR times!  Three times in this post and once in the sidebar.  I'm glad no one but me reads my sidebar!  Or all of you just too polite to tell me I spelled something wrong.)

(I guess my daughter doesn't read the sidebar.  She is  my best reader - she always tells me when I've spelled something wrong.  Spell check works on the post body, but not on the title or the sidebar!)


  1. I don't think Blogger will let me leave a comment long enough to list out all of my projects in hibernation -- BTW I like that term.

    Let's see if I can group them. Well, first there are all the tops which need to be quilted. That # currently is 35. They aren't quilted because I haven't figured out what I'm going to quilt, my skills aren't there for what I want to do, or I haven't found the time/money to do the quilting.

    The there are those projects which I have on my WIP list - I plan to finish them ...eventually. There are 37 on that list if you don't count the two projects I just started cutting fabric for. A few are BOM, a few are leader/ender and I'll eventually have enough blocks, some just need borders, some were inherited, and some I'm just not excited about right this minute.

    There's a complete list of the project -- many with pictures on my blog

  2. no way do I have a list of wisp or wip or quilts I want to make, right now I am on a mission though to bind all the quilts I have had quilted over the past few years....
    I decided I need to get them all done before I start another project. I am doing some applique as well mixed in with bindings.
    I love starting new projects and it this time around it will be a reward when I have so many quilts done first.
    ps I tend to give away a lot of wip because sometimes I just know I will never finish that quilt so happy to find it a home where the quilt will be made/finished and loved way before I would ever get back to it....something for you maybe to ponder!!!!

  3. I have a few - don't know why the new are always calling? Fickle bunch aren't we? I tell myself that I still love them, just need a variety of projects to work on. Then the finishing - not so good at that, cause I don't practice - catch 22. Then the new season comes with new fabric and I'm off again. Am still trying new techniques and blocks to try - pretty basic stuff. Love english paper piecing but am pretty slow at it. My husband says he's waiting for something to come out of my sewing room -lol

  4. I have finished a few quilts. My first was a wedding gift to my husband's nephew and his wife. However I have several that are only in pieces-I revisit every so often and do a bit more; and a couple ready for backing; a Hallowe'en one partially quilted; an english, paper pieced hexi that is ongoing - very slowly; a couple of baby ones in various stages and that's about it.

  5. I'm afraid to start counting. I know the first quilt I ever made is still waiting to be finished. Partially quilted. Have a bunch of kits waiting and also some partially made. Went crazy with the 5 yard bundles with lots of ideas to use them.
    Now that I'm retired I'm hoping to make a BIG dent in the hibernation group.
    Glad to see I'm not alone.

  6. I forgot to add all the flimsies waiting to be quilted and bound.

  7. First off, just wanted to welome you back to quilt blogging! Yours was one of the first blogs I followed when I learned about them and inspired me to list my projects on the side bar when I started mine.

    For me, a WISP is something I really plan to work on but have not done so in a very long time while a UFO is something I haven't abandonded but don't have any definite plans to work on.

    Reviewing and updating my lists I have 5 UFOs, 5 WISPs, 8 WIPs (things not finished that I have worked on in the last year) and 11 Flimsies (completed tops awaiting finishing).

    As a result of the review I realized I needed to move a WISP to the WIP pile as I now have a deadline to get it done for an upcoming challenge, so thanks!
