
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Where did it go . . . or what is wrong with this picture?

Remember this beautiful pressing station?  A huge surface for pressing large pieces of fabric.  Perfect for any quilter.

So what does it look like now?  It certainly doesn't look like a quilter lives here.

A bunch of magazine files - all knitting and spinning magazines.  A bunch of loose-leaf notebooks full of knitting patterns.  A design wall full of knitting and spinning info. 

So where am I going to iron the fabric for my final borders?  In the hall on the regular ironing board.
Shelves to the right, that used to hold rulers and other quilting stuff is now full of knitting and spinning books.

Obviously I need to do a bunch of adjusting in order to make my room work for three hobbies.  The catch is to stop sewing long enough to do the rearranging.  I'm trying to get myself motivated.

We have lots and lots of bookcases upstairs - they surround the entire family room - and at least 30% of the books are historical romances.  I can't remember the last time I read a book like this.  Must be at least 20 years.  I need to get those boxed up and given to the library.  Then I can move half of my quilting and knitting books upstairs so I can shift all this stuff into the computer room.  Just the thought of all that work makes me tired - which means I really need to do it because I need the exercise!  I know I'll be so much happier once it is done. 

But right now I want to finish the borders on this quilt top . . . .


  1. It always seems overwhelming to do a reorganization but you already have the plan. break it into steps and do it over a period of a couple of days. it will be done in no time.

    The work you did to figure out the setting triangles made my head ache!! I'd rather move the books and magazines around! LOL

    This is going to be a beauty.
