
Saturday, August 1, 2009

What I'm up to these days

I've not been doing personal quilting for several weeks now. I thought that taking classes at Sisters would turn me back on to quilting. It did - for a few days anyway. However, something else jumped in to take my attention away.

Some of you may remember that I posted a list of my "goals for retirement" the day after my last day of work. One of those goals was "learning to knit socks". It's taken me a little over 18 months to begin, but now I'm loving every moment. While in Sisters we went into Bend on a shopping trip, and happened to go into a yarn store as Trudy - our "driver" - needed to get some yarn. While I was standing there taking in all the luscious colors and textures of the yarn - more fiber eye candy! - I decided to ask the clerk what book she recommended for teaching myself to knit socks. I left that store with 2 books and yarn for two pair. Well, you know me - when I find something new my tendency is to go overboard. Knitting socks is no exception.

By the time I left Sisters I'd been to the yarn shop there two or three times, and been shopping twice in the "Wild Hare" part of the quilt shop as they have a great yarn selection. I came home with 8 books and yarn for 32 pairs of socks. Since I've gotten home it's just gotten worse LOL! All I want to do is knit.

Any knitters out there? If so, please send me links to great online yarn shopping sites, as well as any other great knitting sites. I have registered on, though I've not done much else there except look around.

The first two pictures show my new yarn stash - all for socks. Good thing I love to wear fun socks!

These are the books I've purchased.
My "class" sock - had to go to the yarn shop to learn how to pick up stitches. Thought I could finish it last night, but alas - I've tried to do the kitchener stitch three times to end the toe - each time following the book diagrams exactly - and each time it's been a messy failure. Guess I'll need to attend "social knitting" this Thursday also so I can have another mini lesson.

My first full-size sock. After about a dozen false starts I finally progressed this far without major disasters. There are a few booboos, but I you can't see them unless you look really closely (I seem to have a problem remembering to switch the yarn from one side to the other when switching between knitting and purling - thus I have extra yarn overs on the needle to deal with.) I'm now in the process of knitting the gusset.


  1. I have also gotten hooked on knitting these days, but my nitch isn't socks but baby sweaters and hats and toys ect. I buy cotton from There are sources for other yarn all over the internet but I haven't found the best one. Right now all the others I buy at Joannes or our local yarn shop. I've also joined ravelry and listed some of the projects I am or have worked on. It's nice to get hearted. Let's you know someone is seeing your stuff. But to me the best part of ravelry is that you can pretty much check out all the projects in a book (especially if you're shopping online) and see if you want it.

  2. A new venture - woohoo - have fun, Patty!

  3. How funny, I have many of the same sock yarns in my stash too. If you haven't already joined Ravelry, do so. There are lots of neat patterns there. Also, She does socks toe up on two circulars. I really like her method and she's got several free patterns on her website.

  4. I started knitting about 4 years or more ago when I kept stabbing myself while doing needle turn applique while traveling in our RV. What should I do, can't have all that blood on my quilts. Get bigger needles so I started knitting and I have almost as much of a passion for it as I do quilting. Now I knit in the evenings and while we travel. I have done some socks but I love sweaters and scarves and shawls and hats and purses and.... I'm sure there will be something else new. Anyway I have a wonderful knit store here in Tulsa, They are great folks. Have fun! Oh yes I knew I forgot something, I'm trying to teach myself lace!

  5. Sounds like you're in for tons of fun! ENJOY!!!!!!!!!

  6. Before I forget, here's how I learned to kitchener:

  7. It's nice to see I'm not the only person who goes overboard on a new hobby. Your stash of yarns looks very yummy. I've been thinking about learning how to knit sweaters for myself. I keep telling myself no because I know I'll go overboard.

    How did you learn how to get started, on your own or at your class? Good luck finishing off your socks!

  8. I love knitting socks. Try for really nice yarn and needles. I love their Harmony needles, since my hands won't let me use metal, the Harmony works great for me. They have some new needles called Zepher that I haven't tried yet. Sock yarn is an addiction. Look for me on ravelry as thequilter.

  9. Welcome to sock knitting. Looks like someone already recommended for your kitchner (so much easier with needles than tapestry needle I think). My name is brandeekins on ravelry! I love that site. Stephanie at has a great basic sock pattern and some good advice (along with some pretty funny posts). If you want a book recommendation, mine is "Favorite Socks" by Interweave. Beautiful stuff and most of it is not scary. Good luck.

  10. LOL, it looks like you will be busy for a little while. I'll enjoy watching you learn your new hobby :0)


  11. Have you been over to Fiber Fabrications, her blog is awesome and she even spins her own yarn....if you need her blog addy, just go over to my side bar.

  12. I am an avid sock knitter. I even have a blog devoted to knitting socks.

    I like Socks that Rock from Blue Moon Fiber, The Loopy Ewe, and Sweet Georgia Yarns.

    Here's a link to an instructional video on YouTube showing how to do the Kitchener stitch.


  13. I'm a sock knitter too - I've been knitting much longer than I've been quilting. I recognize many, many of the sock yarns and books in your pictures. Actually, I've worked in a yarn shop and taught knitting, so feel free to email with questions, if you'd like.

    I see you're in Vancouver -- there's a big sock knitting conference in Portland, Oregon next weekend! The website is It's too late to get into any of the classes, but the marketplace is going to be enormous! I'm driving down to Oregon City (from the Tacoma area) to go with my mother on Friday.

    Welcome to sock knitting!

  14. I love your sock yarn collection! I don't knit, but I have started crcocheting again. My yarn collection is growing, but not as fast as yours.

  15. Wow, what a fun selection of sock yarn! I only buy for 2 pairs at a time and have been out of sock yarn for awhile so am forced to knit a sweater for my son instead! I find knitting socks very relaxing! Oh, and you might have to go shoe shopping to get special shoes to show off your new works of art! Cheers!
