
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sisters was great - and lots more to chat about also

I need to focus on posting - I think I have material for at least half a dozen posts if not more. And lots has happened since then too!

First I must share my big news - I reached goal at Weight Watchers this morning! Goal was 164, and I weighed in at 162.8. Now I just need to hold that for 6 weeks to become a lifetime member - meaning I don't have to pay any more. I'm absolutely thrilled! One catch however - I'm not at my ultimate goal yet. That goal was set when I still thought I was 5'8". Now that I've shrunk to 5' 6" I need to get to 155 for a healthy BMI. WW knows that, but leader René said she'd stick with the first one as far as reaching lifetime. I'm not all that far from 155, so I hope to have reached that in the six weeks before reaching lifetime.

We went camping with our kids weekend before last and had a fabulous time. Here are two pictures my daughter sent. (Can't do a post without pictures, of course! It was so much fun to watch Sophie and Joseph, as they were both too young to appreciate it last summer. They sure loved the dirt - and the creek! Joseph waded in shoes, clothes and all before his parents could stop him. The water was only about 2-3 inches deep - and they were right there - but the bottoms of his pants legs were soaked, and then he sat down in it before they could stop him!

Lots more tomorrow. I need to get some sleep. I need to get up early as I'm heading down I-205 to Clackamas, OR to get my mammo at 8:30. We'll see how it goes - it's been SO hot here. 106 yesterday with 40% humidity, and 107 today. We have no air - it's still about 85 downstairs - it was up to 102 in the family room and longarm room during the day! No longarming for me as long as his heat keeps up!


  1. Wonderful to hear from you Patti! Congratulations on reaching your WW goal - that is a wonderful achievement, you must be feeling very proud of yourself indeed, I know I would be!
    Hope things cool down for you.

  2. so happy to see you posting again
    so good to see all the kiddies wow they are growing up too fast!!!!
    great family picture
    congrats on reaching your goal weight!!!!!
    wow that is such an accomplishment
    can't wait to hear about Sisters...

  3. That is just the greatest family picture. Joseph looks sooo happy, good for him for getting into that water :-). A hearty congratulations on reaching your WW goal, what a feeling, eh?

  4. Welcome back! Congrats on reaching your WW goal. I need to do that myself!

    I look forward to seeing you post again. I guess the heat makes you not want to quilt. Certainly understandable.

  5. Hooray on reaching your goal, bummer that you shrunk though LOL. I laughed so hard at Joseph getting in the water, he sounds like such a "boy"!!!


  6. Congrats on the weight loss! I hope the hot weather leaves you soon.

  7. Big Congrats on reaching your goal weight!

  8. How lucky you got to go to Sisters!
    Wonderful about your weight.
    Gald to see you post again, missed you.
    When it gets that hot, it is hard to do anything.

  9. Congratulations on reaching your goal! What an accomplishment. Good luck with maintenance!

  10. Congratulations on reaching your goal, Patti! That is a wonderful achievement!

  11. great to see a post from you and your lovely family - congrats on the WW goal - we reached 109 degrees here yesterday but it looks like it might stay under 100 today - sure hope so

  12. Congratulations on meeting your goal...that is just awesome! Sounds like you all are having a wonderful summer, except for the awful heat. Hope it goes away soon! Look forward to hearing from you again.

  13. Congrats on reaching goal. I made Lifetime in March and it still is wonderful. You/I just have to remember that it still is a lifestyle change, not a diet even though you will be able to eat more points and maintain.

  14. Congratulations on reaching your goal! You look great !

  15. Reaching WW goal is a LOT more work than quiltmaking! A GIANT congratulation to you - wish I had your inner strength - I'm envious! Stay strong and healthy.

  16. Congrats on reaching goal -- what a great milestone you've worked really hard for.
    The camping pics are wonderful -- looks like everyone had a great time.

  17. Yeah......GOAL REACHED!!! Fantastic....I know the feeling...I have been there "several" times and am working on it again. Like you, I have shrunk and need to get below the formerly set goal. I sit too much these days doing my quilting, but what the heck! I love it! Keep up your good work and keep enjoying the vacation.
    I wish you some cool......

  18. WooHoo!! Goal Weight!! How I remember those days :( Oh well.

    We've been watching your weather on TV because we've also hit a record here in NY-only the 2nd time in almost 200 years that we've had a June and July that didn't get to 90 degrees. Not that I want to hit it, I start "glowing" at 80 degrees lol.

    The grandkids looks wonderful, Patti. Joseph sounds like our son, David when he was small-no fear at all.
