
Friday, August 1, 2008

Peg's Challenge

I didn't finish five UFO's by the end of July, but I'm very happy with what I got done. Thanks so much, Peg, for providing us with this challenge. It was a great deal of fun, and a great motivator!

Here are the three UFO's I finished:

Winter Dazzle - A Thimbleberries quilt

Perennial Patchwork - Design by René Plains

Double Irish Chain - a class sample from 1992

I've finished hand quilting the background of the center appliqué block in Emma's Quilt by Jo Morton. I've started quilting accents in the appliqué pieces. I hope the two pieced borders tell me how they want to be quilted by the time I'm done with the appliqué. I plan to put a simple cable on the final border.

I'm also hand quilting "Somebody's Home", a design by Country Threads. I'm using a big stitch and a gold brown Cébélia. Since this is a heavier thread - usually used for crochet - I'm using a large eye embroidery needle when quilting. I big stitch without a hoop, and use the fingers of my left hand to feed the stitches onto the needle. I'm not brave enough - not yet anyway - to do the fans freehand like Tonya does. Someday I will after I get a good feel for this. In the meantime I'm using a stencil and Magic Chalk for marking the quilting lines.

I also hoped to quilt, label and bind Carolina Crossroads by the end of July - but you know what they say about good intentions. Surely I can finish this one in August!

1. Extra Joseph time
2. A few actual raindrops falling today
3. Another pound lost in spite of being a little careless while camping


  1. Absolutely love your Carolina Crossroads!

  2. Wow, you accomplished a lot, and I love your Carolina Crossroads.

  3. You did great with the successes you had in the challenge - I for one am impressed!

    Where did you find a template for the fan quilting pattern? I have been looking for one.

  4. Thank you Patti,it's a world of difference better! I can read everything very plainly *VBS*
    Love all the older stuff that is getting finished. And you are doing a super job on the Jo Morton the crosshatching. I think the Somebody's home is going to look just spectacular with big stitch...very rustic! Big hugs, Finn

  5. Love the Choco dog (my dog's name) in your Somebody's Home quilt! That Carolina Crossroads is such a beauty!

  6. Challenge - I am impressed!
    your finished quilts are just fab.... Where did you find the pattern for Carolina Crossroads i am interested .

  7. Patti.....fantastic...your work is just so lovely...congratulations on all these finishes, you must be so proud and thanks so much for joining the challenge...

  8. Wow! I think you've done remarkably well with your UFO's. They all look fabulous!

  9. what a nice load of work you accomplished for july patti! congratulations. all of it is just darling!

  10. Love to see how that dog quilt is being quilted. (Was the applique needle turned?)

  11. Good job Patti...those baptist fans look fabulous!

  12. Patti, congratulations on the wonderful finishes for Peg's challenge. And I love your Emma's Quilt! I took that class from Jo, but haven't started the quilt yet. The fan quilting is one of my favorites.

  13. I would say you had a pretty amazing month! Love the fans with the big stitch.

  14. Great job on your finishes and other projects.

    Thanks for sharing your vacation with us. The photos are stunning!

  15. Congrats with all your finishing in Pegs challenge patti You have done a great job. I love your quilts and color

  16. You did excellent on your finishes, way to go. You must feel really good about now.

  17. Wow! I am so impressed. I came across your blog from the Quilt Mavericks ring. I had to leave a comment. I am basically a beginning quilter and have done some things over the last ten years. Maybe I need to post some of my work. I don't know why I have been reluctant to do so...
    You have beautiful quilts!

  18. Well, you didn't get all five projects done but you should be proud of what you did accomplish. Good job. It is hard for me to pick a favorite project. I like the Rene Plains pattern and Jo's pattern.

  19. That represents a lot of work! I'd say you more than met the challenge.
