
Monday, August 11, 2008

Egad! Where has the time gone?

I can't believe I've not posted for 10 days! There has been so much going on that I've not had a minute to turn around. I do want to catch up with my posting so I guess I'll need to write several posts.

Let's see - the last time I posted we'd just arrived home from Mt. Rainier. The next three days were Joseph days, then a quilt show day, and then we left again for a three day camping trip back to Wind River. Between watching Joseph, going to the quilt show, doing laundry and grocery shopping for the next camping trip I hardly had a moment to sit down to relax. This was our last camping trip of the summer and the weather was perfect. Very relaxing. Read a couple books, played a lot of games with Fred, and hand quilted on Emma's Quilt. I took the camera but didn't take a single picture!

Tomorrow Joseph and I are heading south to spend the day with Sophie and Chelsea - I can hardly wait!

I've been enjoying the Olympics - at least what I've gotten to watch. That opening ceremony was just incredible!

Fred starts back to school a week from today - I just can hardly believe it! It will be very nice to get back into a normal routine, however.

1. Good progress on my weight loss
2. Tasty new food ideas that are worth saving
3. Great progress on my quilting goals
4. Fantastic summer weather
5. A nice summer evening rainstorm

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