
Sunday, June 1, 2008

A sad time for us

The last few days have been hard. On Friday afternoon we made the decision to put our Shadow to sleep. He's been aging very rapidly the last couple months and the last few days it became evident that it was time. He's been mostly blind and deaf for some time but adjusted fine to that. However, when his back legs started to give out and he stopped eating anything but treats we knew. Thursday he got me up in the middle of the night to go outside, and he could hardly walk. Friday morning he was no better. When I got home from baby sitting Joseph on Friday I found he'd fallen off the bed and was unable to move. Even after picking him up and massaging his legs awake he still couldn't stand. He wouldn't drink any water either, or eat any treats, so we called the vet. The look in his eyes told us he was ready to go and that he trusted us to take care of him.

He lived a good long life considerably past his life expectancy - almost 17 years. He gave us much joy and love during that time, and we miss him so much. When we come home we have to remind ourselves that he's not there to greet us. We are trying to focus on all our happy memories. We know time will make it easier, but right now it's so very hard.


  1. I am so sorry....{{{hugs to you}}}


  2. I'm sorry for the loss of your good friend.

  3. I am so sorry for the loss of you beloved pet. I know how our pets are our family and we love them so.

  4. Hi, Patti, oh that was expressed so well it's made me cry too. They do let you know when it's time.

  5. I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved family member. What a long and good life you gave precious Shadow. It is heartbreaking when they have to go. In due time it will get a little easier to think about him and you will smile again thinking about all the good memories you have of your time together.

  6. I am so sorry for your loss. I can empathize with you as I had to decide to let one of my border collies go after she had an accident a few months back. When you know that their quality of life is no longer good, we have to make the right choice. My heart aches for you. Thank goodness, time heals.

  7. Patty, I am SO sorry for your loss and pain.
    Another dog lover, Diana in illinois

  8. My heart hurts for you. May God ease your pain with wonderful memories.

  9. Patti, I am so sorry for your loss! I know how difficult it is to make that decision. You were blessed with many happy years together and have many good memories. I'll be thinking of you and will keep you in my prayers.

  10. Sorry for your loss and your pain.
    I'm thinking on you.


  11. Patti, my sincere sympathy is with you in the loss of your Shadow. May all the joy he brought you bring you comfort. --Susan C.

  12. Patti I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. It is so hard to lose a pet.. a family member. take care ...(((hugs)))

  13. Oh Patti I am so sorry...I know the pain and emptiness you're feeling. Hang on to those wonderful memories...Huge hugs to you and Fred.

  14. I am so sorry for your loss. Our fur-babies bring so much joy to our lives, and it is so hard when we have to let them go. You have my deepest sympathy.

  15. May Shadow be having lots of doggie treats and long walks in Doggie Heaven!!!

    It won't make it easier for you here on earth but I hope you have some comfort he is in a happy place.

  16. Patti,
    So sorry to hear of your precious Shadow. My heart goes out to you...

    Caron in Michigan

  17. Oh bless your heart. I'm so sad to hear of your loss. My prayers to you. I know this is hard. I truly do.

  18. Oh Pattie - you brought tears to my eyes. I too have been in that situation, although mine was a beloved feline I had nurtured for 18 years. Yes time will help you heal - but there will still be moments years later when you remember and will feel a tinge of sadness. Sometimes when we love something we have to make the hardest decisions out of that love.
    I hope you can remember only the good times very soon.
    Kind regards - Dawn

  19. I am so sorry. But they tell us when it is time. I have been there several times. It is the hardest decision in the world, but you made the right one. Have peace.


  20. I am so very sorry Patti. I am thinking about you today and wish you peace. Take care.


  21. This is such a hard thing. So sorry for you loss.

  22. ((((Patti))))) I am so sorry. I know how hard this was and my heart goes out to you all.

  23. I'm sorry for the loss of your beloved Shadow. I'm sending comforting thoughts your way.

  24. I just know that he is waiting for you over the rainbow bridge. As a dog lover myself my heart goes out to you and your hubby. I am thinking that when we make that kind of help them on their journey when they let us know it's is our way of saying thank you to them for all they've done. Their unending love, the joy they bring to our lives, their patience with us.
    My are with you today my friend.

  25. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's wonderful that you were kind enough to know when to let go. I know this is very hard.
    I'll be thinking of you.

  26. Hi Patti,
    I am so sorry for the loss of your dear Shadow. We recently were in the same situation and it is a very hard thing to do even when it is the kindest thing to do. We miss our big dog and know you will miss your Shadow.
    My condolences to you all,
    Regards from A Western Canadian Quilter,

  27. I'm so sorry for your loss Patti. It is so sad to lose an old friend.
    Take care,

  28. sorry to hear about your doggy Patti.. It is sad to lose a family member be and we do love our furry critters like they are part of the family!!!



  29. I'm so sorry for your loss Patti, it's so hard to say goodbye to our treasured pets. How lucky Shadow was to have you in his life caring for him.

  30. What a sad time for you, they are such wonderful companions and such a loss.

  31. Sos sorry for your loss! I know that you are just feeling empty. Our dogs are our family members, too. My thoughts are with you.


  32. Pets are truly members of the family and their loss is so difficult. I know the feeling and my thoughts are with you.

  33. Patti, please accept my condolensces! I'm so sorry to read this news! (((hugs)))

  34. My heart goes out to you. Our pets are our family and give us the most wonderful unconditional love. How lovely that you could return that when you had to and let Shadow rest. Hold tight to all the happy memories you have xxx

  35. I'm sorry you lost you pet and friend. I believe they await us in kitty and doggie heaven.

  36. You wrote a very loving farewell story for your precious dog/friend. Sending you supportive hugs while you feel his loss so strongly.

  37. dear patti - I'm so very sad for you and your family as you hurt for Shadow's loss. It is so awful when you love them so much and they add so much pleasure and life to your day, to have to watch them suffer and know that the only thing you can do is help them die with love and dignity. I know how much Shadow meant to you and I'm sure it is very empty when you come home. I hope that your heart starts to feel whole again soon and that you always remember Shadow with love. with kindest regards, lily

  38. Patti, I am crying for you. I know exactly how hard it is. We went through it with our 15 year old cat 2 1/2 years ago, and our next cat is now 15, and I'm afraid his time is getting near. I can imagine that Shadow was a regular family member, just like our cats are. It is so hard to let them go, but you can't not do it. Shadow will be waiting for you over Rainbow Bridge:
    Sharon -

  39. This post was so sad and written with such love for Shadow that it made my heart ache for you. He can rest now.
    Lots of love and comfort to you and Fred for your loss.

  40. It's always hard to lose a furry friend, but after 17 years, especially so. What a good four-legged friend he must have been :)

  41. Oh, Patti - I'm so sorry to read about your loss of Shadow. My heart hurts for you so I'm just going to leave a few ((HUGS))!

  42. Your dear Shadow led a long full life. You did a noble thing to let him go when it was time. I'm sending hugs to help comfort you until the hurt is gone & all that remains are happy memories.

  43. I'm so sorry for you. It is so hard to lose a pet, especially one you have had for so long.

  44. Hi Patti, Oh I am so very sorry to hear about your pal having to be put to sleep. You did the right thing, just last month (end of apr) we had to bring our pal Oreo to have him put down. It is such an extremely hard thing to do, but we do it out of love for our beloved pets. Just keep remembering all the good times you had...and your special pal will always, always hold a special place in your heart. Many quilting hugs, Mary

  45. I was so sorry to hear about Shadow. Our Babe is 16+ and we are dreading the day that we have to make that decision. God Bless you for taking the time of a full 16 years to take care of him thru sickness and health. He knows you loved him and some day you will see him again. I just want to highly commend you for your long devotion. Scrappy Pat

  46. Oh, I feel your pain. Made me so sad. I recently had to put my Beagle down. I miss her so much. Pets love us unconditionally.
    Hugs to you.

  47. Your heart must be filled with sadness now - but I hope that the wonderful memories of the good life Shadow had will soon bring a smile back to your face. You are in my thoughts *hugs*

  48. I’m so sorry for your loss. Shadow must have had a wonderful life at your house, turning 17 years old. He lived his life to the fullest.
    Take care! Thinking of you!

  49. Dear Patti, my heart goes out to you and your family on this sad occasion. With the passage of time, I hope your memories of lovely times with Shadow will bring you comfort.

  50. I feel you have done the right thing. It is so difficult to make the decision but I'm sure your best friend is now pain free. You'll always have the good memories. May you and your family experience comfort and peace in this time of loss.

  51. Patti, I'm so sorry to read about Shadow, I can't imagine how difficult that must be to lose him. Chesty's only been a part of our family for 6 years but I can imagine him not being here.

  52. Oh Patti, I am so very sorry to hear about your little fellow 'Shadow'...what a grand age he was...and I am sure he was a very spoilt boy as well....they are truly very special friends our fury babies...

  53. I got very choked up reading this - I am very sorry to hear the sad news xx

  54. Seventeen years of loyal friendship. What a testimony to companionship! You cared for Shadow up to the last moment. You were his friend just as he was yours.

    I'm very sorry for you right now. It is so awful to say goodbye to them.

  55. Patti,
    As I have lost my Buddy of 11 years recently I empathize with the loss of your family member. Memories of Shadow will come up when you least expect it and bring you comfort. Maybe a puff of dog hair, a food that Shadow liked will prompt a story or smile. Even when they are gone, after the initial grief period, there will be moments of comfort. tj fractal

  56. Patti and Family, Blessings to you all in this time of sadness. Animals give us so much. Their memory is a treasure. Thinking of you. Ardis

  57. I am so very sorry that you have lost Shadow. I know the pain and sorry is indescribable. Bless his little heart, he certainly had a home filled with people who loved him.

  58. My heart aches for you. Our pets become such a part of our lives and give us so much love and joy. Isn't it wonderful that we don't have to let them suffer? We put our 19 year old dog down last year, and it was such a difficult decision, but I'm so glad we were able to do it for him.
    Sending you big hugs!!

  59. Patti, I can tell from what you have written, that Shadow was well loved & he had a wonderful (& long!) life with you. My heart aches as I read your post - as I remember missing so much the sounds & the expectations of seeing my little cocker, Korby, around the house in the weeks after I had to ay goodbye. But it helped me to remember the wonderful life they had, & now are no longer suffering - in any way. Thankfully, the unconditional love that they always gave. . . never goes away. That memory becomes more & more dear. (((hugs)))
    xo, Bren

  60. I'm so sorry for your loss, Patti. It's so hard to lose such a loving friend.

  61. Patti, I send thoughts of warm comfort to you and your family. I know it's such a hard decision to let our furry loved ones go. They do tell us when they are ready and it is a loving thing to listen then and support their trust in us. Bless you for your compassion and Hugs to you all through this difficult time.

  62. My heart goes out to you at this time. I have been there many times over the years with dogs of mine. There is no words to help you past this, only time. I have had people ask why I get another dog and the answer is always, "I could not think of a day I would not want to have spent with them." They are like family and I love my two westies. God speed. PattiO

  63. Oh, Patti, I know just what you are going through and am so sorry to hear about Shadow. Take care and know that your blogging pals are thinking of you.

  64. Patti
    I'm so sorry for your loss...the hardest part and what seems to last the longest is that greeting at the door each time you return. It will get better with time.

  65. God bless you. Pets are truly family members and their departure from our lives most surely hurts.

  66. It is such a sad time Patti - they leave our lives far too soon. I am so sorry. It is the hardest to come home and find the house is so empty. Dogs just love to be in the centre of everything and that makes it so much harder when they are gone.

    Big Hugs!!

  67. Oh Lord, Patti, my heart just breaks for you. I know that I'm quickly approaching such a decision with my two 'boys' and every time one of my blogger friends goes through this, I am just so grief-stricken for you. Just wanted to send you a hug and ... remember....'always blessings, never losses'.

  68. So sorry for your loss. I know how hard this must be. May God bless you and your family.

    Vivian Love

  69. This pulls at my heart strings; I know how hard this can be on you, even though you know it’s the right thing to do. Sorry for your loss.

  70. Patti, I'm so sorry for you. I haven't read all the comments so I don't know if anyone mentioned it, but have you gone to the Rainbow Bridge site? It helped me a lot when we tragically lost one of our cats. Time will help you, but it sure is hard for a long while...

  71. Sending you big hugs. Take comfort in the fact that Shadow is free of pain and czn walk, see and hear again.


  72. I am sorry for your loss - you had many years together and pets do have a way of being a big part of the family.

  73. Oh Patti, so sorry to see this. I don't even want to think of that day for us.

  74. Oh so sad! You will have many happy memories but it is hard to let go of a treasured pet.

  75. I'm late with this but just wanted you to know I was thinking of you and Shadow. It is so hard when our family members go and just reading about Shadow brought tears. 17 years is a wonderful life to have in a loving family and I wish all animals had that opportunity to give and receive love.
