
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The parts are complete!

Now all I have to do is sew together the last three rows of blocks and the last four rows of sashing. I couldn't get a picture of the entire quilt on my design wall because I kept running into the cutting table. It's a good thing this isn't larger - it fills every square inch of my design wall. I moved the big board and iron into the hall last Saturday so I could use the entire wall. I think Fred will be very glad to have them back in the room where they belong!

As you can see I didn't begin to use up my red and white fabrics. The first picture shows the stack I started with and the second picture shows what is left. Once I get the top together I'll contemplate border treatments. I may decide to add a half-square triangle square inner border, which would use a bit more fabric. I certainly have enough red to piece a back! What I'm pretty sure I don't have is a fabric for the last wide border. A shopping trip may be in order once I finish stitching the center together!

I never intended to finish this top so quickly - I thought I'd just make a few blocks here and there. Instead I got wrapped up in the project and couldn't stop. It will be nice to get back to my other projects - Dear Jane, the Civil War Diaries quilts, and all those UFO's.


  1. This top is just wonderful. I just don't have words to describe how beautiful it is.

  2. This is looking so good. I love your combinations of red and white. It's one stunning quilt.

  3. that is gorgeous.

    i know what you mean about not intending to get caught up in a project. it happens more than i like to admit.....

  4. oh wow it looks ever prettier than before! I agree a shopping trip is in order for this one! :) and i think piecing a backing is a great idea - unless you thought you'd want some throw pillows for your bed... then you'd need to save those scraps for that. :)

    Love from Texas! ~bonnie

  5. Patti it is fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I have to admit that I am not a fan of sashing & when you showed the beginings, I had a "meh" feeling about this top - but it has definately grown on me.

    Are you going to use the leftover reds on the back? Scrappy binding?

  7. Wow, your quilt is magnificent! I just love it! You inspired me to buy that book.

  8. Just LOVE it!!!! Just how big is it?

  9. this is great! very striking. i'm so impressed at your speed! goodness i better get started on my own 2 color quilt!

  10. I have been wondering whether to do Nearly insane in red & white - such a stunning combination in your quilt! which has made my mind up for me! thanks for the inspiration
    Chris x

  11. Oh Patti
    it looks wonderful!
    wow I can see why you got caught up in making blocks!
    sometimes I think we just need to work on one project and finish it.
    That happens to me a lot.
    in reality I think I like to work like this especially if the mood hits to finish it then do it!
    let the other projects just wait their turn!

  12. Patti, I love what you did with this quilt! Even though it is a beautiful, "hot" red, it makes me think of wintertime, crisp nights and twinkley stars. Beautiful!

  13. this red and white is looking fantastic........well done.......

  14. I love the quilt. I have a question though - there is block in the second row from the bottom, second block from the right - this lock looks like it has white sashing and should have red sashing. Is that wrong? I hope you don't mind the question.

  15. Patti, this is one sensational quilt, I really just love it! Isn't it amazing how much fabric we don't use when we're putting a quilt together, and yet, when we have a precious piece for a special project, then there's never enough!

  16. Patti
    I love this quilt, I just love the colour play in it, its fantabulous!


  17. Patti, I love the quilt. I may have to make one. Wouldn't it be lovely in Asian fabrics or blue and white. Bring it to TT tomorrow.

  18. HI Patti,
    I am not usually a huge fan of two color quilts but I really do love your red and white quilt. The design is gorgeous and I love how the colors mix to give pink tones and almost grey tones( perhaps just the colors on my computer). I can see why you wanted to get it all put together. You do really lovely work- Thanks for sharing...
    Regards from a Western Canadian Quilter,

  19. I just love this quilt. I keep thinking a red and white project needs to be in my future... great job.

  20. Wow, that's a beautiful quilt!

  21. Your quilt is amazing and I would love to make one like it! Thanks so much for the eye candy! :D

  22. Oh wow Patti! I'm away for a couple of weeks and look what you've made! It's beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!!!

  23. Your quilt is simply amazing!

  24. You are fast and this is beautiful. I love the red/white combo.

  25. I love white and red and this quilt is the best i have seen

  26. Your quilt is really an eye-popper. Gorgeous (and fast) work. I'm still trimming my embroidered blocks to size.

  27. Good lord, that is some gorgeous quilt! I have loads of red and white fabrics in my stash. What a great way that would be to use them up.

  28. It is an awesome quilt! It didn't seem to take you long either even though there are a gazillion pieces in it. Great work and congratulations on the meeting the challenge.

  29. OMG!! That is really looking amazing, and you got it to this point so quickly. I think I've got to hit the sewing room to keep up.

  30. Oh, my gosh! That is absolutely stunning! I love it!!

  31. What a stunning quilt, congratulations! It makes me want to put yet another quilt on my to do list.

  32. I have a new quilter's list blog if you'd like to join, we'd love to have you join us.
    Quilty hugs!

  33. Wow! I am still thinking about joining the 2 colour challenge and you have finished all these blocks!
    But it doesn't look like you used up much fabric!

  34. OMG that is wonderful!!! I love the design and the color!!!

  35. I can see why you got wrapped up in this one...It's fab! Guess I better get 2 colour quilt is still a stack of fabric.

  36. It looks great and I can understand how the quilt can make you work on it just a little bit more, and the just this block ...

  37. Oh my goodness, I am at a complete loss for words! This is absolutely stunning! Did you use a pattern or make it up yourself?

  38. It's absolutly gorgeous! I love it!

  39. Love your quilt, the red and white are really pretty. It has so much movement with only two colors. Congratualtions!

  40. Wow -- what a great quilt! I searched "two color quilts" to find ideas for using the MASSIVE pile of red and white prints I have, and that search led me to your blog. This is fabulous!
