Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The eagle has landed
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
A new block
Monday, April 28, 2008
My blog reading is under control
- Must Reads
- Want to Reads
- Read When I Have Time
- Craft Blogs
- Designers Blogs
- Others
I was subscribed to over 340 blogs. I was spending way too much time at the computer that should have been spent sewing. I was caught up on the "must reads" but that was it.
I've slowly been working my way through the mess - skimming blogs to determine whether or not they still were of interest to me. Reading the posts on the ones that were. Deleting blogs that were not. Moving blogs into the "must reads" folder if I decided to keep them. Deleting all the folders except for "Must Read" - which I've renamed "Quilting and Craft Blogs" - and "Designers' Blogs".
Tonight I finished working through the entire list. I am now subscribed to 254 feeds - still way too many if everyone posted daily - thank goodness that isn't the case. I'm hoping to keep up with these from now on. If I can't I'll need to do more weeding out. I hate to do that, but have decided I must get my priorities in order. Sewing time is more important than computer time!
Now I just have to convince myself that exercise time is more important than both of the above. I'm working on that. At least in my mind . . . .
A first time for everything
Congratulations Diane!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
This and that and the other
Friday, April 25, 2008
Megan has asked us to post a picture of all our Civil War blocks together. I hope to get that done in the next couple days - as well as catch up with last week's blocks. Plus catch up with my Dear Jane. Now that the medallion is a finished flimsy I can return to other projects.
Presents from bloggy friends
The first is one of Darlene's pincushions. Many people around the world have received these from Darlene - she is such a kind, generous loving soul! She promised me something for my newly redecorated sewing room, which I promptly forgot all about. So this was pretty much out of the blue. Thank you so much Darlene - I just love it! It will be so much fun to use this, as I'll be reminded of your friendship each time I see it.
1. Retirement!
2. Children and grandchildren
3. A wonderful husband
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Stuff - and a little giveaway
Some of you may remember that I've cut my left index finger twice with a rotary cutter, the first time so bad I needed stitches. I got myself a "Klutz" glove to protest that hand. It was too big, so yesterday I picked up a smaller on. This leaves me with a "medium" glove that I don't need. If anyone out in blogland would like this glove leave me a comment and I'll send it to you. If there are more than one of you who'd like it I'll draw names. I'd like to send it out by the beginning of next week, so if you are interested leave me a comment right away.
Monday, April 21, 2008
A finished top
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Much better!
Three-quarters there
Friday, April 18, 2008
1. Spring blooms everywhere! Newest are the azaleas, crabapple, cherry and apple trees.
2. Time spent with Joseph
3. A planned trip to see Jeremy, Chelsea and Sophie tomorrow
4. New fun flavors of coffee creamer
5. Starbucks' almond twists
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Moving on to the next round - finally!
Monday, April 14, 2008
More decisions
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Decisions, decisions
In the meantime I made another Dear Jane block - C-3 - Rayelle's Fence - so I could stay caught up with the group. This one was really easy. I just sewed two small strata, cut them into strips and sewed the strips together.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Civil War Diaries blocks for the upcoming week
These are all from the Civil War Diary Quilt book:
Conscript Law - p. 17
Merchantable Goods - p. 61
Hateful Old Thieves - p. 103
Sad and Lonely Days - p. 119
Love Letter - p. 149
Knitting and Reading - p. 153
Bombardment - p. 161
If you have done any of the above already - or prefer to do some from each book - here are a few easier blocks from the Civil War Love Letter Quilt book:
Skirmishing, Cannon Firing and Uproar - p. 27
Benefits of the Sick and Wounded - p. 61
Back Home - p. 65
Treat from Home - p. 105
The Monitor - p. 115
False Graves - p. 117
Camp Conditions - p. 157
Friday, April 11, 2008
Update on the medallion
Checkerboards and Mountains
It was really fun to work with all these fabrics again today. They are so different from what most of us think of as 1800's fabrics. So much brighter, more colorful and exuberant than the fabrics from the 1840's on. I never would have identified most of these as reproductions, but have Eileen's expert assurance that everything I've placed in my pre-1830's basket is representative of that era. I used this as a great excuse for shopping - especially loading up on any fabric with "Sturbridge Village" in the title as Eileen told us that entire line was authentic reproductions. So of course I have enough fabric in the basket for at least three or four more pre-1830's quilts!
After the mountains are sewn together and sewn to the checkerboards I will have only a couple more steps left. Cornerstone blocks for this round must be chosen and constructed. Then the outer chintz border strips sewn on. Doesn't sound like all that much - maybe I can finish tomorrow. Sunday for sure!
Back to working on UFO's
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Caught up with the Baby Janes
Monday, April 7, 2008
Two more blocks completed - Jane's Tears and Field of Dreams